Restful ~ Theme Thursday

I give the girls a bath every night before bed. I realize it probably isn’t ecologically sound (although I do bathe them together, so it is only one bath, not two!) and they definitely don’t need it every night (I don’t wash their hair every night!). But I mostly give them some tubby time because it calms them down. It is part of our “on the way down” routine, and also – the most restful time of the day.


With the time change this past week, we have been having some getting to sleep and getting up problems around our house. But, on the plus side, it is light still at bathtime again. So the wonderful natural light lends to some good photography practice times. (Which is restful for Mommy!)




The pigtails? That is how we tried to get her hair out of her way for dance class today. What you can’t see is all the hair falling out of the pigtails on the back of her head!


Taking baths usually makes me feel like this too, Addie! For me there is nothing more relaxing or peaceful than a nice, long soak. Pure heaven. And the proof of a good soak? Some good ‘ol pruney toes.

Kickin' back

Be sure to stop over to Stacy’s to soak up some other restful photos today.

Through the girls’ eyes

My friend Christina did this little meme with her cutie last week and I was very curious as to what kind of answers I would get from my two hooligans. So here is what my girls think of me…

(I interviewed Addie earlier today before Em got home, but I did Em while Addie was running around, intermittently yelling out what she had answered and I think she might have influenced a few of Em’s answers, like the first one especially.)

1.What is something I always say to you?
Ad: Please don’t chase the cats.
Em: Be nice to the cats.

2. What makes me happy?
Ad: Not chasing the cats
Em: Cleaning up

(Although I do love a clean house, the actual “cleaning up”  -  does not make me happy by any means.)

3. What makes me sad?
Ad: Crying
Em: When you went on vacation and daddy, Addie and I had to stay home

(Riiiiiggght. So very sad. I cried the whole weekend.)

4. How do I make you laugh?
Ad: With tickles
Em: Make funny faces at us

5. What do you think I was like as a child?
Ad: You were in a crib
Em: Just like me?

(I dunno? Nana? Papa? Was I “just like Emma” when I was little?)

6. How old am I?
Ad: Um. Bigger than us.
Em: 36

7. How tall am I?
Ad: Taller than Smokey and Tiger
Em: 8 feet?

(Addie might be a little closer on this one!)

8. What is my favorite thing to do?
Ad: Play Bingo with a zingo
Em: Have carrot cake with us

(While I do love Addie’s favorite game and carrot cake, they might have missed the mark on this one.)

9. What do I do when you’re not around?
Ad: Go to work
Em: Go to Starbucks

(Both very true. Sometimes I do both at the same time!)

10. If I become famous, what will it be for?
Ad: Having Addie
Em: Us (pointing at her and Addie)

(Apparently I am going to have very famous children?)

11. What am I really good at?
Ad: Work
Em: Taking care of us

(Ooh, point for Emma!)

12. What am I not really good at?
Ad: Gymnastics
Em: Whistling

(Both VERY true.)

13. What is my job?
Ad: Work on your computer
Em: To work on the computer

14. What is my favorite food?
Ad: olives
Em: carrots

(While I like both olives and carrots – I would not ever say either is my favorite food! Right now, I’d say my fave food is avocados/guacamole.)

15. What makes you proud of me?
Ad: When you help me
Em: Taking good care of us

(Oh, yeah. That makes it all very much worth it.)

16. If I were a cartoon character, who would I be?
Ad: a mom one, named Carrie
Em: Junie B. Jones

17. What do you and I do together?
Ad: Play
Em: Go out on Mommy dates and to the movies

18. How are we the same?
Ad: I don’t know
Em: Our hair

(Addie kinda lost interest at this point…)

19. How are you and I different?
Ad: I don’t know
Em: our clothes


20. How do you know that I love you?
Ad: You tell me & then you kiss me a lot
Em: Because you are always with me

21. Where is my favorite place to go?
Ad: Disney
Em: Old Navy

22. What is one thing you wish you could change about your mom?
Ad: Being a big kid
Em: To be nicer sometimes, when you get mad

23. What would your mom do with a million dollars?
Ad: I don’t know
Em: Go shopping

24. What do you wish you could go and do with your mom?
Ad: Play
Em: Have a girly date at Islands

The girls may get their wishes since it looks like in April the projects are going to be pretty much non-existent. So much less work, and much more time for play. Although it will also mean less money (so I cannot spend as much time shopping!) – I think it is a very worthwhile tradeoff! Now I’m going to go work on “being nicer” when I get mad…

The girls

Recipe for a Good Day

We just stumbled upon a good recipe that I thought you all might like. Here is what you need to have a good day…

1 – all-day, good hard rain
1 – fun play/coffee date with friends who don’t care if your house is clean
1 – semi-clean, cozy house
(at least clean to the point that you don’t feel compelled to get up and be doing something!)
2 – gorgeous girls happily playing in the playroom for hours on end
(can substitute the girls for boys here)
2 – cups of hot cocoa with whipped cream
1 – hot latte
1 – afternoon movie in the living room
(popcorn optional, but mandatory in our house!)
1 – dinner bubbling away in the oven

Top it off with it being Friday and it is the perfect recipe for a good GREAT day!



Winter Wonderland ~ Theme Thursday

Well, I guarantee our take on Winter Wonderland will be quite different than most of the other Theme Thursdays for today.

Instead of playing “king of the hill” on top of snowbanks – we frolic in great, heaping piles of leaves and at best hope for maybe a rainy day or two.

Playing in the leaf mountain

And this is our version of the “snow angel” -

Making leaf angels

We can visit the snow (about an hour away) whenever we choose, but…really, why would we want to?

Considering it is almost impossible to get them to wear long sleeves, I think these California girls would agree that snow is waaaay over-rated!

2 Monkeys in a Tree

Glad to be California Girls

There is clearly a time and place for cold weather and snow. And according to these girls…the snow should only be around for a very short period of time and far away from our everyday life.


Em didn’t seem to mind the snow too much and I think really loved our sledding trip with the cousins.


But Addie, she is not a fan of the white stuff. I managed to keep a jacket, hat and mittens on her about 50% of the time, but it was torture, pure torture I tell you! It was as if the mittens were scalding the very skin off of her hands.


My sis (or bro-in-law, I’m not sure which) managed to get a picture of me *loving* the chilly weather for about 2 minutes.  I think maybe my blood has thinned a bit in the past three fair-weathered years we’ve been in So Cal.


The first thing Emma said Tuesday morning as I was getting her ready for school? “Mama, I’m so glad to wear my tennis shoes, I don’t like wearing boots all the time!”

And Addie squealed, “Mama! I get to wear a dress now ‘cuz it isn’t snowy! Right?”

You can take the girl out of California, but you can’t take the California out of the girl!

Wishbone ~ Best Shot Monday

Whatever happened to that little wishbone that we dug out of the Thanksgiving turkey, I wonder?


Oh, yeah! It has been drying out behind the kitchen sink for the past month. Do you think it is ready yet?

Come on, Addie – put a little muscle and enthusiasm into it!


Yep – it apparently was plenty dry enough as it snapped into four pieces! Oddly enough, the long pieces were exactly the same and the smaller pieces were the same as well!


I guess both of us will have our wishes come true!


I just love this last photo of Em. I’m making it my Best Shot for today. Make sure to stop over to see if everyone else’s wishes are coming true, too!

Outtake #223 ~ Best Shot Monday

I have a secret. As much as I protest, (and do not fear, you will hear much protesting and complaining in the next few weeks!) I really love to create the yearly Christmas cards and calendars. It makes me stop, spend a few moments, and peruse the photos from the past twelve months.

I am constantly amazed at how much stuff we managed to squeeze into the year. I marvel at how much the girls have changed, really how much our entire life has changed in just one short year. And I gain a little bit of closure on the old year and can prepare for a new one.

It allows me to be a little bit creative as well. I don’t always get to be the “fun” creative in my real job, so it is nice to have a little creative break. I have had an idea for this year’s Christmas cards for awhile now. I suspect that J. thought it was completely crazy when I first told him of my idea. But, like a good husband, he willingly tried to corral the monkeys and help me get the shots I’ve been dreaming of.

I’m working on making at least a few of the photos work, but I think the outtakes – the ones we shot after we were “done” -  might be even more fun.

Here is one of my favorites from the day.

Outtake #223

I just know next year when I’m working on the calendar I’m going to look at this shot and not believe how much they have both grown and changed. One thing that I hope doesn’t change – that they will remain cooperative in my crazy schemes and willing subjects for the Christmas photos!

For more changing shots, pop over to Tracey’s.