Through the girls’ eyes

My friend Christina did this little meme with her cutie last week and I was very curious as to what kind of answers I would get from my two hooligans. So here is what my girls think of me…

(I interviewed Addie earlier today before Em got home, but I did Em while Addie was running around, intermittently yelling out what she had answered and I think she might have influenced a few of Em’s answers, like the first one especially.)

1.What is something I always say to you?
Ad: Please don’t chase the cats.
Em: Be nice to the cats.

2. What makes me happy?
Ad: Not chasing the cats
Em: Cleaning up

(Although I do love a clean house, the actual “cleaning up”  -  does not make me happy by any means.)

3. What makes me sad?
Ad: Crying
Em: When you went on vacation and daddy, Addie and I had to stay home

(Riiiiiggght. So very sad. I cried the whole weekend.)

4. How do I make you laugh?
Ad: With tickles
Em: Make funny faces at us

5. What do you think I was like as a child?
Ad: You were in a crib
Em: Just like me?

(I dunno? Nana? Papa? Was I “just like Emma” when I was little?)

6. How old am I?
Ad: Um. Bigger than us.
Em: 36

7. How tall am I?
Ad: Taller than Smokey and Tiger
Em: 8 feet?

(Addie might be a little closer on this one!)

8. What is my favorite thing to do?
Ad: Play Bingo with a zingo
Em: Have carrot cake with us

(While I do love Addie’s favorite game and carrot cake, they might have missed the mark on this one.)

9. What do I do when you’re not around?
Ad: Go to work
Em: Go to Starbucks

(Both very true. Sometimes I do both at the same time!)

10. If I become famous, what will it be for?
Ad: Having Addie
Em: Us (pointing at her and Addie)

(Apparently I am going to have very famous children?)

11. What am I really good at?
Ad: Work
Em: Taking care of us

(Ooh, point for Emma!)

12. What am I not really good at?
Ad: Gymnastics
Em: Whistling

(Both VERY true.)

13. What is my job?
Ad: Work on your computer
Em: To work on the computer

14. What is my favorite food?
Ad: olives
Em: carrots

(While I like both olives and carrots – I would not ever say either is my favorite food! Right now, I’d say my fave food is avocados/guacamole.)

15. What makes you proud of me?
Ad: When you help me
Em: Taking good care of us

(Oh, yeah. That makes it all very much worth it.)

16. If I were a cartoon character, who would I be?
Ad: a mom one, named Carrie
Em: Junie B. Jones

17. What do you and I do together?
Ad: Play
Em: Go out on Mommy dates and to the movies

18. How are we the same?
Ad: I don’t know
Em: Our hair

(Addie kinda lost interest at this point…)

19. How are you and I different?
Ad: I don’t know
Em: our clothes


20. How do you know that I love you?
Ad: You tell me & then you kiss me a lot
Em: Because you are always with me

21. Where is my favorite place to go?
Ad: Disney
Em: Old Navy

22. What is one thing you wish you could change about your mom?
Ad: Being a big kid
Em: To be nicer sometimes, when you get mad

23. What would your mom do with a million dollars?
Ad: I don’t know
Em: Go shopping

24. What do you wish you could go and do with your mom?
Ad: Play
Em: Have a girly date at Islands

The girls may get their wishes since it looks like in April the projects are going to be pretty much non-existent. So much less work, and much more time for play. Although it will also mean less money (so I cannot spend as much time shopping!) – I think it is a very worthwhile tradeoff! Now I’m going to go work on “being nicer” when I get mad…

The girls

9 thoughts on “Through the girls’ eyes

  1. I am so glad you did this one today too. I love reading the answers. Those kids are just too cute. I love the photo too. I don’t know if I have ever seen a picture of you before. Miller started losing interest at the end too. That is a lot of questions to answer.

  2. That is so cute and insightful look into what the kids REALLY think. I so need to do this, too!

    BTW I love avocadoes, too, and have a bunch ready to make into guacamole. YUM!

  3. So sweet! I love seeing how children of different ages answer. Especially the same/different than mommy question. And the age and height questions. And their different opinion: old navy vs disney! Thanks for sharing.

  4. Cute picture of the 3 of you. :) And I love the comment of work and starbucks. That made me chuckle. I saw this over at Christina’s too but haven’t had a chance to see if I can get anything coherent out of my 3 year old beyond, trucks, trailers, 4 wheelers, and baby brother. :P

    Very cool you got your site moved over too. I have to admit I really like using wordpress on my own rather than on another host.

  5. I love how everyone is doing this! ITs so great to get into thier heads. I made a frown on my face when I read this:

    13. What is my job?
    Ad: Work on your computer
    Em: To work on the computer

    I always feel so bad when I am on my computer. I seriously think that Ella acts out when I am working at home.

    I also liked how Addie lost interest! Ella did the same thing and I kept having to reel her back in. :o )

  6. Carrie that was awesome. I wish I could do that with Francesco, but he not there yet verbally to answer the questions. I love #3. I crack up at Em’s answer and your comment.

  7. Hehehe! They are a riot, and it’s so fun to get inside their heads! LOL @ #3. Good luck at “being nicer” when mad!!!

    Oh, and giggling at Addie losing interest! Nadia too. In fact, she wouldn’t answer if she knew I was doing it, so I just had to sneak the questions in here and there through the day. :)

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