How do we get the candy? ~ Best Shot Monday

Technically, this was a horrible shot. That was indeed a very plaid sofa behind the girls. So I tried to tone down the colors by editing the photo and making it black & white. Plus the lighting wasn’t so great and it was what I imagine it would be like to be a member of the paparazzi at a Hollywood movie premier, with about ten moms and dads jockeying for position, trying to take photos, flashes going off left and right.

But all of that aside, I cannot stop looking at this photo and just smiling. My two princesses, (it was a Princess-themed birthday party for Addie’s little friend) anxiously waiting for someone to just bust open that pinata!

Such concentration and seriousness! How can it not be my Best Shot Monday for today?

Pinata Watching

Winter Wonderland ~ Theme Thursday

Well, I guarantee our take on Winter Wonderland will be quite different than most of the other Theme Thursdays for today.

Instead of playing “king of the hill” on top of snowbanks – we frolic in great, heaping piles of leaves and at best hope for maybe a rainy day or two.

Playing in the leaf mountain

And this is our version of the “snow angel” -

Making leaf angels

We can visit the snow (about an hour away) whenever we choose, but…really, why would we want to?

Considering it is almost impossible to get them to wear long sleeves, I think these California girls would agree that snow is waaaay over-rated!

2 Monkeys in a Tree

Brought to You by Emma and the Letter “S” ~ Best Shot Monday

It is nearly impossible to get a good photo of Em lately. She sees the camera and she thinks she has to strike a pose.

I get a lot of Silly Emmy….

sassy emmy

Or if I can sneak a shot of her when she doesn’t know I’m shooting, I get some Serious Emmy

serious emmy

Oh hey, there’s the camera! And this would be Sassy Emmy

silly emmy

But maybe every one out of 100 photos, we get to see our Sweet, Sweet Emmy

sweet emmy

…and my favorite shot of the week.

Go on over to Tracey’s for more sweet shots today!

Brought to You by Emma and the Letter “S” ~ Best Shot Monday

It is nearly impossible to get a good photo of Em lately. She sees the camera and she thinks she has to strike a pose.

I get a lot of Silly Emmy….

sassy emmy

Or if I can sneak a shot of her when she doesn’t know I’m shooting, I get some Serious Emmy

serious emmy

Oh hey, there’s the camera! And this would be Sassy Emmy

silly emmy

But maybe every one out of 100 photos, we get to see our Sweet, Sweet Emmy

sweet emmy

…and my favorite shot of the week.

Go on over to Tracey’s for more sweet shots today!

The Nutcracker in 5 minutes

Em’s dance teacher usually does one big recital at the end of the year, but before the semester break she lets the parents come in to see the progress the dancers have been making. Last week the class did a version of the Nutcracker – the five minute version.

Em is the very first dancer, the first snow fairy – she had to hold her arabesque the longest, she told me later that it was a good thing I made her eat her protein, so her muscles didn’t get tired.

I asked her if she was nervous having to dance by herself and she said, “Yes. I was nervous in my tummy and then I just looked at you and I didn’t feel nervous anymore – because I knew it was just all the Mamas!”

And Addie giving her favorite ballerina a little hug after it was over.


Miss Caroline supplied the hooker-red lipstick, which of course all of the girls loved. It was promptly wiped off as much as possible before her other performance that evening – the school Christmas program.

And yes, I did let Addie go out of the house like that. And no, she was not going to dance class. But I LOVE the boots, and going for the layered look with not one – but two tutus!

One Smart Cookie

Dear Emma Grace,

It isn’t the Christmas lights causing that glow you can see surrounding our house this week, it is the beaming that can only come from the very proudest of parents.

You received your very first report card on Friday. When we had talked with your teacher last month at conferences, she had explained that we shouldn’t expect to see all “4s” and “5s” on the first report card. We are supposed to take the entire year into account, and we would see progress throughout the year as you worked against the benchmarks.  Your teacher actually said, “if they had 4s and 5s on the first report card then you’d have to wonder what they were doing in kindergarten, and why they were not already in first grade.”


Um….guess what?

Yeah, you got almost all 5′s on your report card (you did get all 5s on Reading and Listening and Speaking), a 5 = Excels in grade level standards. Plus there were a couple of 5s and a few 4s in Math, a 4=Meets grade level standards. I’m afraid you may have inherited Mommy’s horrific math skills, (sorry ’bout that) but still…girl you are smart! Not that we didn’t already know that, but it is nice to have some validation.

tree hugger

Your teacher also wrote in the comments:

Emma is a happy and cooperative student. She is always eager to participate and perform her leadership responsibilities. Emma demonstrates good listening and organizational skills which allows her to complete her work neatly and accurately. She is a good friend to her classmates and is well liked in return.

trying on an angelic pose

Awww….that’s my girl!

We are so very proud of you, Peanut! I hope your thirst for knowledge continues throughout your life and you never lose that excitement for learning.


Outtake #223 ~ Best Shot Monday

I have a secret. As much as I protest, (and do not fear, you will hear much protesting and complaining in the next few weeks!) I really love to create the yearly Christmas cards and calendars. It makes me stop, spend a few moments, and peruse the photos from the past twelve months.

I am constantly amazed at how much stuff we managed to squeeze into the year. I marvel at how much the girls have changed, really how much our entire life has changed in just one short year. And I gain a little bit of closure on the old year and can prepare for a new one.

It allows me to be a little bit creative as well. I don’t always get to be the “fun” creative in my real job, so it is nice to have a little creative break. I have had an idea for this year’s Christmas cards for awhile now. I suspect that J. thought it was completely crazy when I first told him of my idea. But, like a good husband, he willingly tried to corral the monkeys and help me get the shots I’ve been dreaming of.

I’m working on making at least a few of the photos work, but I think the outtakes – the ones we shot after we were “done” -  might be even more fun.

Here is one of my favorites from the day.

Outtake #223

I just know next year when I’m working on the calendar I’m going to look at this shot and not believe how much they have both grown and changed. One thing that I hope doesn’t change – that they will remain cooperative in my crazy schemes and willing subjects for the Christmas photos!

For more changing shots, pop over to Tracey’s.

Swing Choreography

Em has become quite the master of the swing. Whenever we make it to the park she wants to try to swing as high as she can and “touch the sky.”

Unfortunately, Addie wants to do whatever her big sister is doing. But Mama doesn’t feel good about pushing her “higher.” Yesterday my resistance led to this…

Swing meltdown
She was not happy. Although, yesterday was one of those rough days – it didn’t really matter what the little thing was, it was going to set her off.

Em, trying to be a good big sister was concerned…

Watchful eye
And took it upon herself to try to “teach” Ad how to get herself higher by pumping her legs.

“You bend your legs back…”

Back and...
And then push them forward…

You got it!

You got it!
(Not really.) But it was a very sweet effort, Em. Better than Mommy, who just stood by taking photos.

On the plus side, Meltdown Sally ended up in bed at 6:30pm and slept through til 7am this morning. Me thinks she may have been a wee bit tired. And today proved to be a MUCH better day.

Thankful ~ Theme Thursday

This week’s Theme is Thankful. Where to begin?

I am thankful first and foremost for J. – my sweet husband and amazing partner in this crazy life. I’m thankful for my loving and supportive family. I’m thankful for my great circle of friends who make my life so fun.

But most of all, I am thankful that God blessed Jam and I with an angel…


…and not just one, but two!


How could I ever want for more? I am just so very thankful.