Thankful Week #2.

We had SO very much to be thankful for this week. A recap just in case you weren’t following along on Instagram.

Day 5: I’m thankful for coffee this Monday morning. Last week was a long week, but the return of the holiday red cups and a hot cuppa joe makes me thankful today.

Day 6: I’m thankful that we live in the United States and we have the right to vote. No matter what you believe or who you believe in, your voice can be heard. God bless America. We thankfully vote in the cafeteria at the girls’ school. So we walked over before school and voted as a family, it was great to have the girls see the whole democratic process first hand. Although Addie also got a taste of it later in the day. Mrs. P had the second graders elect a class cookie! They had to write, and give, a persuasive speech for one of the candidates (Chips Ahoy or Oreo) and the winner was….the Oreos! (Of course that was who Addie was pulling for – a girl after her Aunt Kimmer’s heart!)

Day 7: I’m thankful for 2 of the 4 food groups, chocolate and peanut butter. (The other two food groups being cheese and coffee.) DELICIOUS. These cookies were pretty excellent. Pumpkin, peanut butter, and chocolate ganache. They will not disappoint, find the recipe here.

Day 8: I’m thankful for the love of my life, Jam. For a million reasons really, but today I’m thankful that he still surprises me with my two favorite roses when he knows I’ve had a particularly bad day. I will never be able to list all of the reasons I am so in love with him, but after 20 years he still tries really hard, and that has to be near the top of the list. I know that he was completely consumed with his new job and craziness this week, but in his own quiet way I also knew he was thinking about, and worried about, me. Total keeper, this one.

Day 9: Today I’m thankful for stolen coffee dates with my beautiful sis-in-law. Of course, I’m also very thankful that Jeff married her, but our date was just what I needed this morning. I have tried to be so good about not spilling their news before it was time, but yes indeed…they are expecting a baby in the Spring! Just in time for my birthday and believe me…it has created all kinds of new cousin excitement in our house. (And maybe a bit of necessary crafting coming on, too!)

Day 10: I’m thankful the girls are healthy and growing and able to run and play like little girls should. I’m also a little bit thankful for only one more soccer Saturday left. It has felt like a long season! Her team – Daddy’s team – has shown huge progress and I have loved helping them, but enough is enough. I’m ready to have our Saturdays back. But it is a good reminder that at least they can run…and kick…and stand and watch balls. I’m thankful for all of that.

Day 11: So thankful today and always for the men and women who sacrifice for our country. I’m so thankful to live in our great nation. As we were walking to church this morning the driveway was lined with these little American flags. It was a good reminder to stop, take pause, and remember all of those who have fought to keep us free.

Thankful ~ Theme Thursday

This week’s Theme is Thankful. Where to begin?

I am thankful first and foremost for J. – my sweet husband and amazing partner in this crazy life. I’m thankful for my loving and supportive family. I’m thankful for my great circle of friends who make my life so fun.

But most of all, I am thankful that God blessed Jam and I with an angel…


…and not just one, but two!


How could I ever want for more? I am just so very thankful.

Thankful ~ Day 2 and 1

I have been kind of “off the grid.” And that was my thankful for yesterday. As much as I tease Michelle and DJ (and pretty much all of our family in Michigan) about living in the “sticks” – it has been wonderful to just be away from everything. I’ve done the tiniest amount of work I could to get by, I’ve clearly been almost non-existent in my blogging, it has just been a nice break.  The girls are loving all of the “nature” they have seen. Addie is obsessed with the deer and turkeys that meander through the yard here. (Emma is more concerned that the turkeys are going to be the ones that end up on our table tomorrow.) I have had some great workouts with Meesh – the hills are killers here – and even though it has been chilly, it is so refreshing and nice to be able to see the stars and breathe clean air. Plus I have been able to see (or am going to see) all my best friends in the world!  

I am so thankful for our little “landing spot” right now.

And for today’s thankful, the last day before our Thanksgiving, I think it is only appropriate to say I am so, so very thankful for my family.

I am thankful for my parents for giving me life and loving and nurturing me always, and I’m so thankful to them for giving me a brother AND a sister to grow up with. I’m thankful for my brother Ken and for my sister, who will always be more than just a sister. And I’m thankful that she and DJ blessed us with three gorgeous nieces (Someday Ella…you will love your Aunt Bean! It may take a lot of spoiling, but I’ll win you over.). And for all of the grandparents, aunts and uncles that I had, and continue to have, supporting and loving me along the way.

And for my own little family, I’m so, so thankful to have J. He is the most amazing husband and father anyone could ever imagine, or ask for. I thank God for him every single day. (And I am thankful that I was given a second, extended family when I married him, complete with a mother-in-law that I LOVE, brothers and a sister and nephews, too!) 

And last, but certainly the best, I am so thankful that J. and I were blessed with the best gift God has to offer. Not once, but twice. They are amazing little girls.

Really no amount of words can describe just how thankful I am today. 

Thankful ~ Day 5,4,3

I have been so absent this weekend! I have some serious blog-catching-up to do.  The traveling back to Michigan took us a bit longer than we had anticipated, and we just wanted to play with everyone yesterday when we did get here. Plus the wireless I was “borrowing” last time I was here, is no longer…ahem, free - if you know what I mean – so it isn’t as easy to just hook up my laptop and work while the rest of the house sleeps. So we may be a bit scarce in the posting department this week, and I am going to skip BSM today, because, well…I haven’t had a chance to pick one out. I’m sure I’ll have a whole slew of new cousin pics coming up this week, since I’ve already taken a hundred or so photos, and we’ve only just been here 24 hours.

So what am I most thankful for these past three days?

I am thankful for my amazing little travelers. They really are continually the BEST kids on the plane. The “gentleman” (and I use that term loosely) behind us made a snarky remark to his seatmate after we had boarded (we took a quick trip to the restroom) and were climbing back into our seats. It was something to the effect of  “great, why didn’t you tell me there were going to be KIDS right in front of me.” I held my tongue, although I really wanted to let him have it, and thankfully my girls proved him wrong. So for that I am thankful.

I am also thankful that we have the means to be able to travel back and see our families. It is so amazing to watch my girls with Meesh’s girls. They are really beautiful together and it makes me a little sad that we don’t live closer. But it makes me so much more thankful for our special time together.

And today I am also thankful that I got to have lunch with my oldest “best” friend from high school. She is the only one of my friends that really knew me before I was even J.’s girlfriend, much less his wife. So she is very special to me and I so appreciate our lunches together and the little bit of time we get to spend. (Also I’m thankful that she doesn’t mind the whole crew of girls, tagging along! Thanks, Vic!)

So for all of those things, I am very thankful today.

Hope you are all having a great start to your week – don’t forget to check out the other BSMs, we’ll get a BSTuesday maybe….

Thankful ~ Day 6

Today I’m thankful for our health. A few times yesterday I sent up a little prayer of thanks for our healthy, strong bodies.

I was talking to my mom while A. was climbing all over me and jumping on and then off again, and I called her a “little monkey!” My mom reminded me that I would much rather have her be a “monkey” than not be able to run, climb or jump at all. And it is so true. Besides a few cuts and bruises, our trip to the ER, some colds and an ear infection here or there, the girls are really both incredibly healthy.

I also visited the doctor yesterday for a check-up since I hadn’t seen a doctor since my six-week checkup after I had A. Yeah, yeah, yeah – I know that was over two years ago. But I got a full checkup and apparently, at least until all the tests come back, I am just fine. I realized that I really need to take care of myself because the girls really depend on me. I need to be here to watch them, and help them, grow up.

So today, that is what I am thankful for.

Thankful ~ Day 7

Today I am thankful for the “other woman” in our life. Our sitter/nanny, Denise. I’ve written about her many times before, but she really is the reason I am even halfway sane. And today is our last day of Denise for a few weeks. I’m in a bit of denial. I miss her already.

Denise has been working for us for well over a year now. And beyond relieving me, and allowing me to do a lot of work, and a little bit of running errands, and an occasional kid-free run, and even a few “date-nights,” I believe that Denise is a key ingredient in our trying to create a loving and stable home for our girlies.

And, quite simply, the girls adore Denise. I do, too. I never worry when I need to walk out the door if she is here. She is always creatively engaging the girls intellectually, physically, and emotionally. Any mom knows that entertaining two girls, for hours on end, is one demanding and challenging job. It only makes me appreciate her, and the job she does, even more.

And as much as we love her, she loves the girls, too. It is always nice to hear good “reports” on your children, but when someone else tells you how “spectacular,” “funny,” “sweet,” – just generally “how great” your girls are, and really mean it…that is priceless. Denise is worth every penny, and more.

Today (and everyday), I am thankful for Denise.

Thankful ~ Day 8

Today I am thankful for the age, the stage, that both of the girls are at right now. Not that I ever want to be “free” of them, (I’m actually hoping they never want to leave their Daddy and I!) but I have a new-found freedom that just feels so amazing.

The girls beg me to “leave” them at the Gym’s Kid’s Klub. They practically push me out the door, the minute Denise shows up for the afternoon. They color sweetly at their table in the playroom for 20 minutes at a time.

Yes, a tiny piece of me is sad when I look at their baby pictures, they are so not babies anymore. And I do feel a little bit slighted some days when Mommy is pushed away. But, can I begin to tell you how heavenly it is to be able to “let them play” in the playroom while I grab a shower, throw in a load of laundry, and start the dishwasher. Yeah, yeah, yeah – apparently I shouldn’t leave Emma in the playroom with her safety scissors. But, honestly, isn’t a few cut bangs a small price to pay for getting a little break in the non-stop demand for entertainment?

I think so.

And they play so well together. Well, most of the time. I so love to watch them laugh and play together. That is why I was so happy to have two girls. Sisters. They will always have a best friend, no matter what.

When I do get included in their little “bond,” I’ve found that we seem to have finally found our groove. I know it has taken us over two years, but I think we are finally there. We all seem to know what our role is in our little family, and how to make it all work smoothly.

As we get ready to board the plane for Michigan this week, I am actually looking forward to traveling with the girls. We have reached that point where we are all in “sync.” Flying down the same path. We know how to handle the bumps and we are on our way to reaching so many new destinations.

For that I am thankful.