Should I turn down the air conditioner a bit, perhaps?

I promise you, I had NOTHING to do with the staging of this photo. She just found the hat and mittens in the basket. And proceeded to try them on, to see if they still fit. Which led to wearing them for a half hour while watching Max and Ruby. Which led to wanting to wear them to pick up Emma. Which led to her actually wearing them outside – in our 98 degree heat. Which led to heat stroke, I’m pretty sure.

Well, maybe not heat stroke.  But being hot, coupled with being cooped up for the seventh day straight (still with the fires!) and no way to burn off any energy, it all led to a very cranky almost 4-year old this afternoon.


Sticky Sweet ~ Best Shot Monday

We call her “our little sugar bear.” The girl looooves sugar. She is a pretty adventurous eater and likes a lot of “good-for-her” things to eat too, but the girl has never met a sugar she doesn’t like.

And one of her favorite sugary treats is cotton candy. You know. The stuff that is basically just sugar and some lovely blue artificial coloring. It is as sweet as can be, and so very sticky, too!

How can I get my (not yet sticky enough) fingers on some cotton candy?


What if I look all innocent and sweet like this? Who can say no to those cheeks and the curl?




This is what I’m talkin’ about!


Sticky finger good.


And my favorite shot – my best shot for the week. All that sugar sure does this girl good.
She is pure sweetness.



It is as if they know…

I am completely at the breaking point. So tired of the constant bickering and fighting over the past week. I’ve been to that point where I would rather endure nails on a chalkboard than hear that “Moooo-oooom!” one more time.

And then I walk in the living room to this…


Although the reprieve from the fighting will be most welcome, we are going to be so lost without Emma Grace around here tomorrow.

You Might Be A Big Fish In A Little Pond.

Inevitably every time we get into the car Addie will pipe up with, “Can you play You might be a big fish, in a little po-oond?(Otherwise known as Lost, by Coldplay.)

She loves that song and I love to hear her sing it, so I gladly turn it on and feed her obsession.

That exact phrase popped into my head when I opened up this photo last week. She really is struggling right now with wanting to be a big fish, but also wanting to be treated like the baby fish in the family, too.

Big fish

And no, she didn’t really test these fins in the water. She was actually very un-fishlike while we were at Nana and Papa’s. Emma more than made up for Addie, though. Em didn’t seem to mind the chilly water one bit, and I was forced to drag out of the pool every night. (Remind you of someone else years ago, Mom and Dad?)

I think that Nana and Papa don’t believe Addie really can swim, however, they do finally see that she is very stubborn.

She will swim when she feels like it. And not a minute sooner.


Holding our breath ~ Best Shot Monday

Last Friday was a pivotal moment in our house. Addie took her maiden voyage across a pool, by herself.

She can swim. And we are all so proud of her – including her biggest cheerleader, Em.

At the beginning of the week, when she started lessons, it looked a little grim. Her instructor said, “Wow, she is really stubborn, isn’t she?” as she handed me back a writhing, screaming, temper-tantrum throwing mess, that sort of resembled my daughter.

But the difference between Tuesday and Friday is simply astounding! This weekend we had use of our neighbor’s pool and she practiced and perfected her little seal-like underwater sprint. And mugged for Daddy and his underwater camera…

Smile - You're underwater!

Why didn’t someone tell me that this swimming thing is just so easy!

It's just so easy!


Taste Of Summer ~ Wordless Wednesday

Showing us how “dainty” princesses eat ice cream (pinky out!)…






For some less messy (but surely not as tasty!) Wordless Wednesdays, pop on over here.


Also, just wanted to wish my sis and her hubby (Michelle and DJ) a very happy 9th Anniversary today, too. Woo hoo! Hope your day is wonderful and you have many more great years filled with much love and happiness. We love you two! ~ J, C, E & A

Trike’n It

Just when I thought it was safe to put the ‘ol checkbook away, Addie’s school has decided to do a trike-a-thon. Much like the Em’s jog-a-thon, only with…well, trikes and bikes.

I admire the creativity of our schools in finding new ways to raise the much needed funds and honestly I am very thankful we are not selling the horrid boxed candy. So we will be there, cheering on all the preschoolers.

We got a much needed new helmet for the occasion.

Biker Minnie Pearl

We will be removing the Minnie Pearl price tag before Saturday, of course.

And you can bet I will be taking photos. Fifty preschoolers riding around a track? I’m sure some sort of hilarity will ensue. Emma said to me today, “A trike-a-thon is probably going to be very dangerous, don’t you think Mama? All those kids on bikes, they are all going to fall down! I don’t think it is a very good idea.”

Yes, yes. They probably will. This coming from the (now 6-year old) girl who still panics when you let go of her bike without training wheels.

Yesterday morning Addie crawled in bed with us before it was time to get up and I asked her if she had asked Daddy for some “trike money.” There is nothing sweeter than hearing her little raspy-morning voice squeak out, “Will you sponsor me, Daddy?” (SUCKER!) And she has since asked me three or four times, but when I try to get her to call or ask relatives and friends, she won’t do it. She freezes up.

Thumbs up

But if you want to sponsor her, I know she would appreciate it and you’d at least get a very big “thumbs up!”