A Tale of Two Kitties

It was the best of times, it was the worst of times…

Ah, okay…that is as far as I’m going to take this. It sounded much funnier in my head while I was writing it on my run this morning. Plus, I only remember the first line of that book anyhow. (Sorry, Mr. Ball.) And we haven’t actually made it to the “best of times” around here. Yet.

The new kitty +  old kitty has led to a bit of interesting drama in the house around here the past few weeks. Even though our dear old Tiger was once the “new kitten on the block” and she endured much hazing from our then queen-of-the-house, Smokey, she has clearly forgotten how that feels. For Tiger is now the Queen (yes, with a capital Q, please!) and she has made every attempt at being most un-welcoming and un-hospitable for our new kitty.


New kitty does have a name, by the way. Since she was Addie’s birthday gift and thought to be around one year old. Addie declared that she and kitty would share a birthday and she wanted to name her Tigerlily. I gently suggested since we already had a Tiger, she should name the new kitty just Lily. And then when we call the kitties we would have a Tiger…Lily.


So Lily it is. Although she doesn’t smell anything like a flower. The exact opposite, in fact. She stinks. I mean reeks! She is a very quiet and good kitty, so the only way I know she is in the room is if I take a whiff. And if she is somewhere (even on the other side of our very large living room) in the room, you’ll know. She is trying to climb on my keyboard right now and get some love and I have found it nearly impossible to sew with her in the room. She likes to sit on my desk and *help* the fabric along. It is a real treat, but she is very sweet.


And as for Tiger, she has made herself scarce except for the piles of kitty puke that she has been leaving for me. And the hissing and growling has subsided for the most part, although she will still get in a parting shot as the kitties walk past each other in the hall. But I think she has finally resigned that Lily is here to stay.


A cat among dogs

Yesterday was Smokey’s fifteen minutes of fame, and today it is Tiger’s…

“Maybe if I am really still, they won’t see me.”


J. took this pic on his iPhone when he stumbled across Tiger trying to “be one” with the stuffed animals. Emma cracks up every time she sees this photo.

Plus she keeps asking me, “Mama, can you please print that picture of Tiger when she thinks she is trying to be one of the puppies?!”

It’s a cat…

…flushing the toilet. Starring look-a-likes for Tiger and Smokey.

I dare you to watch this.

Just be prepared to sing it for the rest of the day. We have to account for at least 200 of the views of this video in the past three days.

This morning was the first time I didn’t have it running through my head, and then J. so graciously started in on it again.

So – ….he doesn’t care, if he’s wasting water….

You’re welcome.