Crafty Tuesday

I knew I could depend on all of you to offer us your advice, suggestions, and encouragement on our new endeavor! Thanks so very much, we took all of it in and are working it out. The logo is going through round 2 right now, and Jamie (friend/business partner Jamie, not hubby Jamie!) and I had our first business meeting this week where we changed the name to Two Birdies Workshop. Jamie suggested it, and I love it! We couldn’t just use Two Birdies since is already taken, so that is why I was trying to add something to it. Two Birdies Design seemed too limiting. And I wasn’t completely sold on Two Birdies Creations, but when Jamie said ‘Workshop‘ I knew that was it. It is versatile, we can pull it off and use it for many projects.

And we decided that we are going to see what we can get made in time for the Holiday Boutique at Ad’s school – which is December 4th. So, we have one month to get it all together. And then we’ll see what we can put up in Etsy and maybe shop it around to some little boutiques.

We have also created our “menu.” We aer going to make aprons, pillowcase dresses, reusable tote bags, and bags for kids, stationery and SuperCapes.

Lounge pants we decided are hard to “size” and also take a lot of fabric, so the profit margin is kinda high on those. And the birthday banners, are pretty time consuming as well. I may make some for our Etsy store at a later date, but we are not going to make any for the first round here.

I’ll tell you what else I will not be making. Any of these &$#*! Japanese felt animals. The only reason I finally finished these was they were taking up my endtable in the living room and I was sick of looking at them. That and the girls kept asking “when will the deer be done, Mama?”


So they are gladly done, and we are moving on. Bigger and better things!

Crafty Tuesday

So, we are going to do today’s Crafty Tuesday a little differently. Partly because even though our Crafty Party last week was totally fun, I didn’t get any real crafting done, and I don’t have anything to show today.  But mostly because I was reading Swistle last week and wanted to get in on her idea for some giveaways to raise awareness on the CPSIA issue.

The CPSIA legislation doesn’t directly affect me since I don’t sell any of my goods. But it could seriously hurt my Etsy addiction, and the world of handmade crafts in general. I know that many of you have already joined me in signing the petitions and writing your congressmen and women, I just ask that you continue your support. And proof that every signature and letter helps – last week the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission voted to suspend the act for one year to review the rules and how they will enforce it. Good news for all crafty folks and hopefully a reasonable solution will be found.

So on to the giveaway! I will craft a custom bag for the winner. It can be a kidlet for your kiddie, or a reusable shopping bag for yourself. Leave a comment and promise that you will at least click the “Save Handmade” button over there on the right (see it?) and see if there is something you might be able to do to help.

That’s it! I’ll leave the comments open until Sunday, February 8th at midnight. Then I’ll randomly select a winner and we’ll collaborate to get you a sweet bag!

Crafty Tuesday

Em and I were crafty this past weekend. She wanted to do Valentine’s for her classmates, and I wanted to do a few for the cousins and some of our friends…so our house is currently covered in glitter, but they turned out pretty cute. Addie made a huge mess helped with the glittering, of course.


I got these little “kits” for Em’s Valentine cards in the $1 bin at Target. God love Target!


What craftiness do you have going on this week. I’m anxious to get back to scrapbooking – hopefully when things calm down at the end of the month.

Also, I really need some takers for the Craft It Forward. Anyone?

Crafty Tuesday ~ Craft It Forward

So this is what it is going to take to get me back in my craft mode…

I saw this idea of a Craft Pay It Forward first on Stacy’s site. I loved the idea, but then figured, really, what would I, or could I, craft for the little experiment.

Then I saw it again on HipMomma, and decided that I might be able to come up with something, and it may force me inspire me to do some fun crafts again.

So here is how it all goes.

The first three (3) people to comment here on my site and commit to Crafting It Forward will get a free craft from me.

By committing you must post a similar challenge on your blog – and create something to pass along to your three takers. It can be anything, just needs to be handmade.

Interested? Hurry. Comment. Post. Play along!

Oh, as for what I am going to craft…I think I will give you a choice. I will either create for you:

1. A scrapbook page (you send me any photos and journaling you want incorporated)
2. A little stack of handmade greeting cards (maybe 5 or so – different occasions)
3. A little batch of notecards designed for you (with your name or a little design)

Sound good?