Good Fortune ~ Winner!

And…we have a winner. I was starting to get a little worried, that nobody was as “naturally attracted” to J as I am.

But Rosey was spot on!

So, here are the answers and why I think they are so fitting:

You are a person of imaginative, yet honest intentions ~ Carrie
Most of you correctly picked me for this one. Although it certainly is applicable to anyone in our family. J. is incredibly creative and the girls have some of the best imaginations around.

You are only starting on your path of success ~ Addie
You know…”only starting.” She’s only 2. Emma is far past just “starting” at the ripe old age of 4 (almost 5 you know!). And in a few weeks J. will be joining me on the other side of the mid-30s…so we definitely aren’t “only starting.”

You will reach high levels of intelligence ~ Emma
Again, could have been Addie here, too. J. has already reached a crazy high level of intelligence, and me…well, I actually feel like my level decreases by the day. So Emma it is on this one.

People are naturally attracted to you ~ Jamie
That would be my charismatic hubby. It is true, people are naturally attracted to him. Mostly because he is so funny and charming, but he is pretty darn cute, too.

So there you have it. Thanks for playing along. We will return to our regularly scheduled blogging tomorrow. I just need a leeetle bit more time to get my act together.

Good Fortune

I didn’t get a chance to take any photos for Theme Thursday today, but if I have to skip one, this is probably a good one to skip. The theme is winter, and well, you don’t all need to be getting any more jealous of our winter.

Today was a balmy 72 degrees, sunny. Beautiful.

But do make sure to stop over to Stacy’s to see everyone else’s winter wonderland shots.

I do have about twenty zillion stories and photos to share, but I am swamped with working on a major project that is due soon and already feel guilty enough just trying to post photos and keep caught up with all my friends and family. Soon…soon…I promise!

Just a fun little game for today before I head out to tackle work, though.

Almost every weekend we go to Pei Wei, one of our favorite places to eat. It is the cheap version of PF Chang’s, just really yummy Asian food. And Emma’s job is to pick out fortune cookies for everyone. A few weeks ago I got a great one that read, “You and your spouse will spend many happy years together.”

Totally appropriate! I loved it. And then promptly lost it, of course.

The weekend before last she picked out these fortunes for us.


The crazy thing is that they all really did fit the person that ended up opening them.

See if you can guess which fortune goes with whom. Keep you busy while I try to get through the mountain of work and chores that are piling up around here. And maybe we’ll make it a little contest and I’ll think of a fun prize.

Green Goodness Giveaway

I have found the Crunchy Domestic Goddess‘ blog and she always has some goodies and fun giveaways going on. Right now she has one that is near and dear to my heart!


She is giving away some Lily’s Garden Herbals all-natural household cleaner. I’m very excited. As you may recall, I have been trying to switch our household over to all “green,” natural products. (I am still looking for a laundry detergent – had a good suggestion the other day which I aim to try, I’ll give you the low-down after I decide if it shall replace our Tide.) I checked out the Lily’s site and it has all kinds of yummy products, besides the cleaning products it also has holistic health and aromatherapy goodies.

Go over and enter her contest. Even if I don’t win the CDGoddess’ giveaway, I am going to have to try out some of the products. Plus added bonus for those of you with no Trader Joe’s or Target access, you can order them online and they are relatively cheap!

Right. Now. 999…

If you are following along, you know what that means.

Quick! Send something.


Ding, ding, ding….and with the last comment in our Crafty Tuesday, Kimmer is the 1,000th commenter! Congrats, Kimmer you are the new owner of an iTunes gift card (or Amazon…if you prefer!).

Thanks for playing along and for letting me know you are all out there still reading.

Elmo Winner!!

Well, we didn’t get very many funny Christmas stories…either nobody wanted to share, or we have a very serious bunch here. I couldn’t decide between the ones we did get, they were all very cute and mostly revolving around kids or pregnant ladies, (which are both pretty funny, I guess) so we did a little name in the hat drawing this morning.

And the winner is….

Michelle B. – who happens to be one of my good friends. Congrats, Michelle – I’m sure you, uh, I mean – little Emma, will love the Elmo. Michelle is actually an amazing cellist and is doing a huge concert this weekend – so wish her luck and go buy her CD!

Thanks to all who indulged me and played along.

My All-time Favorite Christmas

Okay, so the story of my favorite Christmas is actually a little funny as well, so I will add it to our funny Christmas story contest. Of course it isn’t eligible to win the Elmo. By the way, we’ll announce our Elmo winner tomorrow.

Most of our friends and family know this story already, but this is for any new folk joining us, and of course, it’s good to have the story written down somewhere, you know – for the kids!

So, on with the story. Ahem….well, apparently my memory stinks and we (J. and I) are just debating which year this actually occurred. I am of the mind that it was 1991, he thinks 1992 – at any rate it was a long time ago.

We had gone to midnight mass with my family and were on our way home when Jamie said he needed to make a quick stop at The Station. For those who don’t know, The Station was one of the two competing pizza joints in our tiny little town. Pretty much everyone in town had worked at The Station at some point in their working career. J. had actually worked and managed The Station through most of his high school years, and then again on college summer and Christmas vacations. Oh, and…it is also where he had first asked me out. Yup, behind The Station, next to the delivery door and the dumpster. Totally romantic, right?

So, he needed to make a quick stop at The Station. Remember it is like 1:30 in the morning at this point. (Can you see where this is going?) So fast forward 10 minutes, our song, “Right Here Waiting” by Richard Marx (Don’t laugh – it was the late 80s when we started going out!) was playing on the jukebox, J. is on one knee trying to get through a very sweet proposal, I’m realizing what he is doing, and am in tears and there is a knock on the door. In the middle of J.’s proposal. So he opens the door and it is the police. Leslie is a very small town, so the police knew us.

Policeman: “Jamie. We saw the lights on. What are you doing? Are you having a problem?

J: “Um…no. I’m just trying to propose to my girlfriend.”

Policeman: (stammering as he is backing out the door) “Uh…oh. Wow. Okay. Good luck. Good night.”

And then J. came back and picked up where he left off…and I said, “Um…OK.” – Nah, I said, “Yes!” of course.

It was by far the best decision I ever made. And the best Christmas, too.

Why, why, why.

That seems to be the only word our little precocious three (and a half!) year old knows these days.

I couldn’t resist this shirt when I found it because it is all I have heard for the last year.

Why, why, why.

God love her, but I have to be really careful in what I say – because she will remember EVERYTHING and repeat it at a later date! I think I have written about her crazy good memory before (it is by far ten times better than mine), but it continues to astound me. She is a freakin’ sponge. I keep thinking sooner or later she is going to become saturated, right? She’ll maybe start to either forget some things or just not be able to absorb any more….but it doesn’t seem to be happening.

Most of her questions lately revolve around Christmas.
“Why do the ladies have to stand and ring-ring the little bell?”
“Why do they want people to put moneys in the bucket?”
“Why do they help those people?”
“Why are they poor?”
“Why won’t Santa just bring those peoples presents?”
“Why doesn’t Joseph ride on his own donkey?”
“Why don’t they go to the hospital to have their baby?”

And on, and on….pretty much anything she sees, she has a question about.

I do love her curiosity. It is one of the truly great perks of parenting, just to be able to witness that excitement for learning on a daily basis. But it worries me that I still haven’t found a good class or preschool for her. I mean, am I really enough for her everyday? And on my “off” days when I don’t act like I expect her to act, how can I teach her to “do as I say, not as I do?” I’m sure it is (well, I hope it is – I can’t be alone here!) one of the great parenting dilemmas. I just can’t help but imagine what she would soak up with if she was in a learning environment and exposed to other people.

The “finding a school” task has been officially moved to the top of my list. Um…and also, stop acting like I don’t want her to act. That is probably pretty important, too.


Don’t forget you have til midnite tomorrow (PST) to get your Elmo story in…we will pick the winner on Saturday – and have plenty of time to get Elmo to his new owner in time for Christmas. I’ll share our “funny” Christmas story tomorrow….

Real Work vs. Real Work

So these actual “work” projects I suddenly have are seriously cutting into my blogging time. I am not complaining, well I am – a little. I really enjoy my work, but the timing is seriously really kind of crappy right now. I have two projects that essentially got handed to me today, and are due January 3rd.

It is a nice little break to go to the coffee shop and actually use my brain for some real work, though. Uh, let me rephrase that. I do real work, very hard work everyday. As every SAH (stay-at-home) mom will tell you, it is the absolute hardest job, it is very demanding, very physical, and always 24 hours a day. But, I can mostly do it with my brain pretty much turned off. The biggest workout my mind gets most days is trying to come up with a new bribe or compromise that I haven’t tried on Emma yet. So to actually be designing graphics, talking with adults about something other than our children’s eating and bathroom habits, and feeling useful…it is a nice change.

But, back to the sucky timing. I am starting to feel a little of the “Christmas stress” that I have been trying so hard to avoid. I still haven’t finished Christmas shopping, haven’t begun to even think of wrapping the gifts, and I am only about halfway finished on the calendars that I do for our friends and family each year. Do you think anyone would notice if their calendar was missing January and they got it for Valentine’s Day?

And honestly…I just want to go hang out at the park with the girls. The weather is beautiful – fall-like for everywhere else in the country – that nice sweatshirt or sweater, perfect-for-the-park weather. And the girls have really been into it lately. It is great for Emma, our little social butterfly. She makes a new friend everytime we go, and she basically runs herself silly. Addie has figured out that she can climb…HIGH. So she is just as fearless as E. She has also learned not only how to say “park” but points it out whenever we go by it. Just her wistful, longing look out the window as we go by, is enough to make me stop, even if it means we are late for something, or we put off grocery shopping (again!) in favor of a trip down the slide. (We are in desperate need of a grocery shop. Have been for about a week, now.)

So…what I should be doing, instead of sitting here complaining, is crossing something off of my to-do list so I can go to the park and continue my quest for a stress-free holiday. I guess I better get on it. *Sigh* How are the rest of you doing on your Christmas To-Do lists?


3 more days to get your stories and/or pictures in for the Elmo contest! I only have a few so far so your odds of winning are really good!! Come on, put it on the top of your list of things to do!

Tickle Me Contest

So Jamie and I have a few extra TMX Tickle Me Elmos (the 10th Anniversary Edition) and J. thought it would be cool to do a little contest on the blog here and give one away. I am trying to figure out a fun contest to do – we can’t just draw names out of a hat – we have to make you work for it somehow! Maybe something Christmas or kid-related. Hmmmm….

Leave a comment if you have any contest ideas. And stay tuned – I’ll post the contest and rules soon.