Entertainment Naturally

Nothing beats nature in the entertainment department. It is fascinating.

J. is taping the Life series on the Discovery channel for us right now and the girls cannot get enough of it. Alright. I can’t get enough of it either,  I love watching it with them. Besides seeing animals in their environment the cinematography is unbelievably amazing. It is simply gorgeous.

Now for the past two days I have been infatuated with another sort of movie. The live cam of Molly the Barn Owl. Have you seen her? And now she has owlets, too! I’ve been checking in on her all day. I showed Addie and EJ this morning and they were kind of fascinated, too.

I figured Gracie would be all over it, so afterschool I introduced her to Molly, too. But I made the mistake of showing her while she was having her snack.

“Um, Mama? What is that owl doing?”
“Uh…I think she is having a little snack, too. But I don’t think it is banana chocolate chip bread. It looks like it might be a mouse, maybe?”
“YUCK! That is disgusting! I can’t watch this.”

Ha – perhaps she was not as enamored as I thought she would be.  I emailed the link to Em’s teacher this afternoon and she and her son got to see one of the owls hatch this evening. I’m so bummed, I wanted to see that! It was probably during the only hour today that I didn’t check in on them.

Go check ‘em out, but don’t say I didn’t warn you. They are slightly addictive.

Feelin’ hot, Hot, HOT!

Ok, OK! Don’t be a hater!

Remember even though we have some heavenly weather whilst many of you are still shoveling snow – we also have crazy house prices, unbelievable air conditioning bills in the summer, and well…earthquakes.

Everybody has something to deal with, I guess. But the girls will tell you that running through the sprinkler in April? Yeah, it is worth a little earthshake or two!

Em and Addie invited the little girl across the street for a romp in their new sprinkler. Today was 100 degrees again, but it will be back to mid-70s tomorrow, through the rest of the week. Crazy weather. Crazy girls. The hose water…it is cold!


Hmmm…doesn’t this look familiar? A little like this photo from last year, maybe?
Trying to get everyone else wet.


The tongue definitely helps you run faster don’t you know?


It also helps you when you are running through and trying to avoid the water.


And the tongue also helps warm you up at the end of the sprinkler session.


No…my lips aren’t really purple and my teeth aren’t chattering.


So now that our heat wave is over – it is time for us to get out and enjoy Mother Earth.

We are off to recycle a few things, plant a few things and decide what else we can do to make our
Earth healthy again.

Happy Earth Day!

Green Goodness Giveaway

I have found the Crunchy Domestic Goddess‘ blog and she always has some goodies and fun giveaways going on. Right now she has one that is near and dear to my heart!


She is giving away some Lily’s Garden Herbals all-natural household cleaner. I’m very excited. As you may recall, I have been trying to switch our household over to all “green,” natural products. (I am still looking for a laundry detergent – had a good suggestion the other day which I aim to try, I’ll give you the low-down after I decide if it shall replace our Tide.) I checked out the Lily’s site and it has all kinds of yummy products, besides the cleaning products it also has holistic health and aromatherapy goodies.

Go over and enter her contest. Even if I don’t win the CDGoddess’ giveaway, I am going to have to try out some of the products. Plus added bonus for those of you with no Trader Joe’s or Target access, you can order them online and they are relatively cheap!

Humor me…

I have a post in my drafts about our Arctic Tale adventure and my new tree-hugging devotee, but I haven’t been able to finish it. It is important and I will be posting it, but for now…will you just go and sign this petition?

Tell BP that it is unconscionable to be dumping anything in Lake Michigan, especially their toxic ammonia and sludge. And if you are really angry about their serious environmental infractions, boycott their gas stations, too!

I have all kinds of opinions on this and other environmental issues…stay tuned.

(Thanks DJ and Nik for the heads-up on this one.)