Hair Today…Gone Today.

Yep. We went to the Kiddie Kuts today. Emma wore me down. But believe me, I tried everything to dissuade her.

I even pulled out the…”But ballerinas have to have their hair long so that they can wear their hair in buns!” move. It was not deterring her. After much agonizing (mine) and pleading (hers) we trekked over to get her haircut “Short. Like Mommy’s.”

The last photo of “the hair.”

The before pic

Loping the pigtails off.

Off go the pigtails

“Oh, Em! What did you do?”

Em, what did you do?

She has already claimed that the pigtails are going to be her items for Share Day tomorrow. (Ew.)

Guess what I'm taking for share day tomorrow?

And she has stopped to “fluff” her new ‘do in every mirror, all evening long.

She loves it.

Hair in the mirror

And you know what? I do, too.

I love it.