Crossing off the list.

- Get new family photos taken!
It’s been on my to-do list for so very long now. It just keeps getting rolled over to next month’s list and never really gets done. I have been trying to be better about being IN photos more instead of behind the camera, but the last real family photos we had taken was on the beach with Rose in 2009? And…well, Addie had just turned 4. Emma was 6. Babies!

I have been telling J. that we really should do it this year, with celebrating the 20th anniversary and all. And then Jeff & Jessica had just had baby Amelia’s photos taken by Ann Molen and I really loved how they turned out. I also loved that she came over to the house and she shoots on film! (Seriously…on film! I didn’t know people still did that!) So I booked a date before we could back out or find some other excuse or reason to not get them done.

I just got a few (ok, many!) sneak peeks back from Ann. They are the best present anyone could have ever given this Mama. I’m usually happy when I can look at one photo and think “Wow, that is a good shot of everyone! Nobody’s pouting. I look decent. etc…” 

But this session. I love every photo more than the last. Every.Single.Photo. I just kept opening them and literally tearing up because I couldn’t…can’t…believe how well she captured all of the love that we have for each other. And everyone’s personality. There is even one where Addie is looking a little pouty…like her dramatic self, but you know what…that is the perfect snapshot of our family at any given moment.

So these are just the sneaks…apparently there are even more (!) on the way. You ready?





























I could just die. And die happy. I can’t even pick a favorite to print – I love them all.

My eternal gratitude to Ann for capturing these. They are priceless to me.


Summer Adventures.

**Warning: Incredibly long post forthcoming. Probably should have split it up and spaced it out, but then…well, the chances of it all getting posted this year would slip dangerously close to nil. So, grab a cup of coffee, sit back and away we go!”**

Yesterday I spent the day at school helping with registration/roundup which means…our last week of summer is slowly dwindling and school starts – Monday!

I know I say it every single year, but this summer really flew right on by. We managed to pack a lot in to our short few months. Er, none of which I managed to blog about. So, here is a quick little tour through our summer adventures – selfishly posted so I have it all documented somewhere.

First weekend of summer: San Diego for Starlings Nationals Tournament.


Em and her team placed 2nd in the bronze division and Emma had a GREAT weekend. The brand new glasses gave her confidence and she had some really great saves. Perfect way to end the season. Then, Daddy jetted off to China, and the girls went the opposite direction to Michigan.

The Two Week Michigan/Wedding Trip.
The first part of the Michigan trip we spent prepping for my brother’s wedding. The prep part included getting my parents’ backyard wedding ready in between rain storms.

The bridge awaiting to be decorated.


Thankfully the rain held off, Daddy made it straight from China, nobody fell in the pool, the wedding was lovely, and they are now happily hitched.



After the festivities we took the girls to Ann Arbor to get them excited about going to UofM. (NO…I know that our Cali girls would NEVER make it a winter in Michigan…but Daddy can still dream.)


Our favorite eats stop.


And then Daddy traveled back home while the girls and I continued up to the great North to spend some good quality cousin time.

We fished.


We festivaled.


We celebrated birthdays.


We monster-trucked.


And finally it was time to get back to our freshly painted house! (That saga, er…story you can find here.)

Next up: San Diego Safari Park and Comic Con.
Daddy had to make a quick stop in Boston, so he left us in San Diego for a few days on our own and the girls and I hit the SD Safari Park.


It is actually pretty cool. You get very close to the animals…


…or you can get up and over them in a balloon like this.


Which looks more like this.


When we had had enough monkeying around, we flew down and hung around at the pool and waited for Daddy to get back to the west coast.


J. has been going to Comic Con for years…like 10, 12 years maybe?


The last few years the girls have been accompanying him and finally they talked me into “just going to see it for a little bit!”


I waited til Sunday morning and then trekked down with them. And I can honestly say…It wasn’t nearly as wretched as I had imagined it to be and it was kind of entertaining.DSC_3076

I was able to visit a lot of the artists that the girls love. Met Katie Cook, who we have all been a long time fan of. Got some cool art from Joey Chou which I LOVE. Spent a lot of time in the “crafting” aisle – which was surprisingly cool. In fact, I didn’t really spend much time in the actual “comic” part at all.DSC_3090

After a few hours when it started getting a little crowded and people started getting a little “shove-y”, I was ready to get outta there.DSC_3101

But, I may certainly be talked into popping in again next year!

Last trip before school starts – Camp Surf.
We have never been to a YMCA camp, but after visiting this one in Imperial Beach – HIGHLY recommend them.


I’m not sure anyone ever counted, but just from the Girl Scout families we had 60 people from our school, and the Cub Scout families joined us too, so I think we had well over 100 peeps representing from our school.DSC_3225

We pitched our tents on the sand about 10 yards from the shore, so we got to fall asleep and wake up to the ocean waves. But the best part of the weekend was that the Y counselors take care of everything! Food, clean-up, activities…it’s all covered.DSC_3156

They taught us how to surf – Addie was the best at it. The trick is to “POP up when the wave takes the board.” MUCH easier for an energetic little 7-year old to do than an over 40 Mama!DSC_3172

Gracie looked totally in her element and we had to drag them out of the water at the end of the day.


And the camp even organizes a “skit night” that anyone can join in. The Y counselors were hilarious and when the girls weren’t in the water they put together a little skit, too. (Harry Potter Puppet Pals, if you aren’t in the know…)

Pretty Potter Pals from carrie voris on Vimeo.

I think every one of my Girl Scouts (and MANY of the parents) have already asked if we can do it again next year, so we have put it on the docket for next summer, same weekend. Save the date!

Miscellaneous other summer fun.
For the few weeks that we were home in between all of the trips, we managed to squeak in some serious friend time, too.

We birthday beach partied with Audrey for her 10th.DSC_3130

And had some campfire smores.DSC_3147

We hiked Eaton Canyon to find the “falls.”DSC_3266

Daddy and I celebrated a 20th anniversary.photo9

We found a new cool band and got to go backstage at their concert.

And we found a Harry Potter Diagon Alley in the middle of Los Angeles.DSC_3288

Which takes us all the way up to today. Still 4 days left…any suggestions to pack a little more in?


20 Years.

EPSON MFP imageOh my. We were such babies! It was so long ago, I don’t even have ANY digital photos…had to go all old school and scan this beauty in!

I had no idea twenty years ago when I said “I do” what an incredible ride was in store for us.

Living in our 11th (12th?) city together and raising two of the most amazing girls ever, through all of the moves and jobs, the ups and downs, the laughter and tears (thankfully much more laughter!) – I can say with all of my heart I love this little blessed life we have built. And it is for sure one ride I never want to end.

Happy Anniversary, my love.

An Unexpected Gift.

DSC_3019Today started off with Addie and I butting heads, both of us crabby. She from not enough sleep; me from feeling sorry for myself that I’ve been referee between two girls for what seems like days on end. All I kept thinking was “I’ve had enough. Only one month. One month til school starts.”

Then we hit the beach.

Happily our day ended on a much better note.

There is something about the smell of the warm ocean breeze, the sting of the salt on your toes, and watching two girls soak up every minute of their day with such joy that really wipes the slate clean and leaves you longing for more. More days like this. More beach trips. More time.

Now I can’t stop thinking, “only four more weeks til school starts?”


The House Paint Saga Continues? Is Over? Is Over. Definitely over.

Perhaps you haven’t heard about the house paint color saga over here during the past two months? I’m quite certain J. is ready to divorce me over it by now, but we are so, so, so, very, very close to having a completed and fully painted home. And was all of the angst worth it?


Last summer we started noticing how much our house needed a fresh coat of paint so I started squirreling tax refund money away (painting a house is EXPENSIVE when you don’t diy, and this is one project I will never attempt to do-it-yourself!) and we’ve been on the hunt for paint colors.

Those of you who have been around the block with me a few times know that I am SO not very decisive when it comes to picking paint colors. I love to look at them, debate them, and am always finding colors I like…I just can’t decisively pick a color to save my life.

Finally we narrowed it down to a color scheme that we liked on a house just down the street from us…also a Spanish style home with a lot of black wrought iron accents like ours. I have always liked the house, it seems homey and “well-put together” (can a house be well-put together?) with a nice neutral scheme that can work with a lot of different accent colors.

Yes, I suppose I could have gone up and just asked them what their taupe base color was. And yes, I suppose that would have saved me countless hours of agony. But it just felt a little creepy in a stalker-I-want-to-totally-steal-your-house-paint-color sort of way, so instead I sample painted up almost every corner of our house. Each day Jason (our friend who painted for us) would stop over or J. would come home, and they’d just sit and shake their head at me. In my defense, it is really hard to imagine what this tiny patch of paint will look like on a two-story, huge expanse of stucco. It was nerve-wracking. I did not want to get the color up there and find out too late that the taupe was “too poopy colored” or that it looked like a penitentiary because it was too gray.

Finally on the very last day before we left for our Michigan trip, I basically did an eenie-meanie-miney-mo between the two colors I had narrowed it down to, and voila! Garden Wall by Behr it was.

So we left and when we returned found that our freshly painted house looks like an entirely brand new home.

houseA variety of shots in many different times of day/light. I couldn’t love it any more if I tried.

Wellllll….that’s not entirely true. Jason had said that the front door really needed a “pop.”

If it was black (like it was supposed to be) it would be way too black hole-ish (yes, he did use that word) in the courtyard since we did all of the french doors in black. So he suggested the blue that is in our tile around the fireplace (bet you never even knew that tile was there, did you? NOW you see it. It is actually accented and so pretty!) and I said, “go for it.”

I didn’t love it. I didn’t really even like it. It was so…bright? Vibrant? BLUE?! So we toned it down and took the green color out of the tile, especially since I have a lot of vintage green pots and courtyard goodies already and just darkened that up. I actually haven’t seen the end result in person yet. We are on vacation (yes, again!) and Jason just texted this photo to me, but I think I like it better already.

Yes, as you can see…that is just one side of the door, we totally had another 2 week long debate on colors just for the door, too. The light green-ish one you see there in the before shot, third one down, was our winner for awhile. It is close to the pot I have in the corner under our mailslot there in the “after” photo. But I worried that it would be just too “bright” too, especially with the more subdued taupe and blacks we had going on. So we went with Catalina Coast there in the middle.

What do you think? I think I can’t wait to get home and see it in person. And I think that I never want to paint the house again. For not doing any of the “real work,” this project sure was exhausting.

Crafty Tuesday

Guess who’s back? (Back again.)

Yes! We have returned from the great muggy midwest, aka Michigan, and have a lot to catch you up on! And because I owe you at least three, four, TEN(!) Crafty Tuesdays, let’s start there.

Before we rolled out of here on separate vacays, Birdie #2 and I put together a few more of these cool tablecloths for two of our sweet June birthday girlies.

These tablecloths are sewn (with love!) out of outdoor fabric and we heat pressed the vinyl on the panels before we stitched them all together. I need to take a photo of the back so you can see how they fit snugly on a 6 ft (the first is for an 8ft) table. And then, of course, you can hide all kinds of goodies underneath the table, hidden from view.DSC_2167

That was June birthday-ing. And then we charged into July. I made some of these placemats for my sister and her brood. Birdie #2 made me some for my birthday and I *heart* them – and they get used and recited around our place…often!


I doctored up a burlap bag with some vinyl for her too…but totally forgot to take a pic of it. (Have one handy, Meesh?)

This is just the tip of the crafty chaos around here lately. I don’t think I’ll be able to wait until next Tuesday to unveil the house painting undertaking and I KNOW I still owe a “what-the-heck-did-you-do-to-your-living-room” update as well. So stay tuned. This week. I hope.

Patience, my pets.


Want to see what we’ve been up to?

Oh, yes. This is going to be one big DUMP. This week has been the first chance we’ve been able to catch our breath and as we speak (type) the girls are up at Girl Scout camp all week, we are prepping to have the house (exterior) painted, and I’m furiously trying to organize three different trips. We leave for San Diego Nationals volleyball tournament on Thursday; Daddy leaves from San Diego for China on Saturday; The girls and I are back for Monday and then leave again on Tuesday for Michigan and Ken’s wedding.

Um…yes. This is our “down” week.

I have posted a few end-of-year excitements to Vimeo and will post more but I have to wait til my video upload limit resets on Thursday.

For now, as promised…The Voris girls in their Variety Show glory. Addie was in two (Smooth Criminal and Happy Girls) and Emma and the Dynamite Girls reconvened and added a friend to become the Hit Girls.

3 Voris Acts for the Variety Show – 2013! from carrie voris on Vimeo.

The next day we had the church musical and we had some serious technical difficulties with all of the cameras. I’m still trying to find some good footage of Em’s solo. It was amazing. She did a great job as Joseph and brought tears to my eyes.

Then two days after the musical, Em had another little solo part as Sacagewa in the 4th grade play. I have that whole play digitized, but I’ll try to just cut her little part out so that I don’t take up ALL my video allotment for next week, too.

Then last weekend the girls had their piano recital. I uploaded Addie’s – she and Em did a duet and then Miss Suzanne accompanied her on her second piece.

Addie’s Piano Recital – 6/13 from carrie voris on Vimeo.

Emma doesn’t want me to post hers because she messed up on Amazing Grace and was really upset. But her first piece was amazing, so I’m thinking that I’ll at least post that one. Maybe I’ll video her doing Amazing Grace at home because she can do it flawlessly when she isn’t flustered. And it is such a pretty piece. Again…as soon as I get some more video room!

And another one, that I don’t think I ever posted but just put up for the choir…the girls singing on Mother’s Day. You better believe I cried through this one, even after listening to it in the car for a bazillion times!

Mother’s Day – COS from carrie voris on Vimeo.

Be back with more as soon as I catch another 2 minute break! Hope your summer has started out with a bang, too!

Crafty Tuesday

Hello summer!

Our first day “off” was spent crafting some goodies for our June birthday girls later this week, so I can’t really show you any of that. BUT, I can share what we did for the teachers last week!

We whipped out Big Momma and vinyl’d up a bunch o’ stuff for the girls’ teachers and the office manager and principal.

We monogrammed – I guess “vinylgrammed” some great beach bags that we got on clearance from Hobby Lobby at the end of last summer. The bags are great because they are vinyl, wipe-able and great for sand and water.



Inside the cool bags we put a Summer To-Do board. The Summer To-Do Printable I downloaded last year and I cannot for the life of me find where I downloaded it from! (I’ll keep looking and see if I can give them credit!) We popped it into a fun painted frame, attached an expo marker with velcro and voila! Fun little sign which list-makers like me…LOVE!



And we vinyled up a little summer drink cup, too. And with that we sent the teachers off into the summer sunset all prepped for some summer fun.

Which is exactly what we intend to do as well. Look at the little cooler bag Birdie #2 made for me…



I can’t wait to use it for summer picnics in the park. Any fun summer crafty plans around your parts of the woods?

Start of Summer.

Only 8 more get-ups until summer vacation. (Well, technically only 7 for me since I’m already up.)

But 8 more “getting the girls up and out the door.” Eight more days of packing lunchboxes. EIGHT more days til we are off of the “have to dos” and on to the “want to dos.”

May has been craaaaazy. As I’m sure you can deduce from the lack of posts over here, and the abundance of snapshots and status updates over on Facebook. It is easier to snap a photo with my phone and Instagram it, than it is to actually sit down at my computer, download real photos and write. I just can’t seem to string three free minutes together to do anything, much less to try and sort out the chaos over here.

But, let’s try. What has been happening…

Well, baby Amelia finally made her appearance. And although we haven’t seen as much of her as Emma would like, that was an exciting start to May.

We moved our school Carnival from October to May this year, which at the time seemed like a great move, and we raised LOTS of money so I suppose it was, but it just added to the craziness of the end of the year. It was lots of work, lots of fun.


We finished up the Girl Scout year with two field trips. (Yes, both in May because we are masochistic like that.) One to the LA Zoo to work on the World Scout Patch…


And one to our local Wilderness Center where the girls are doing their Service Project in the fall. Oh, and we had a combined recycling drive and food drive in there somewhere, too. It’s all so hazy.


Two Birdies have been really, really busy. Besides stadium chairs and glassware wedding gifts, we made one of our favorite friends some rocking Roller Derby tees for her birthday. (And then we all went rollerskating for the first time – it was easily the first time I’d been on skates in 25 years. Funny how it is kind of like riding a bike – you don’t really forget how. Thankfully.)


We finished our living room project! I’m going to devote a whole post to that because the transformation is kind of amazing, at least to all in our household. I’ll try to take some photos of it today. But it took, of course, longer than expected and was difficult to coordinate in the midst of everything else going on. When will I learn?

So now we are in the last two-week crunch. I can’t look at my calendar without having full on anxiety. So I look at what needs to be done today, make sure I get some good workouts in, and just power on. It is all going to get done.

Up this week…we have the Variety Show on Friday evening. My co-chair and I are trying to move it outdoors in the field for the first time. So this is presenting all kinds of new complications. Em’s crew is dancing again…


And Addie’s crew from last year (Lollipop Girls) have morphed into the Happy Girls and are doing the sweetest little song/dance number, EVER. She is also in another act with her friend EJ. (Which doesn’t at all make it more crazy.)


So that is Friday night. And Saturday afternoon they are in the musical at church. Em is actually playing one of the Josephs (there are 3!) in a show about Joseph and his life. I’m trying to sew some amazing technicolor coats for that right now.

And we have end-of-year parties, each of them are in a class play/production (Gah, must make a covered wagon today, too!) and then…THEN, it will all be over.


Summer can’t come soon enough.