Sunday Snapshot ~ Addikins

Every day I’m not-so-subtly reminded that my baby is growing up. She is the sweetest, sassiest, most sensitive, and funniest girl all rolled into one beautiful little 47″ package. She makes us laugh, she makes us cry, but most of all she makes us love her more and more each and every day.


Snapshot Sunday ~ In Bloom

We inherited a rose garden full of very old bushes. In December I chopped all of them back, kind of half hoping that they would finally give up the ghost and I could plant some new ones…but they all came back with a vengeance. Each bush has 12-15 blooms on it. I guess they just needed some tough love.

Sunday Snapshot ~ Saturday Sprawl

So we had to make a big purchase this week for the house.  Most mornings the girls climb in bed with us and we all wiggle around and try to claim a little piece of the bed – but our queen-sized bed just wasn’t cutting it anymore with the four of us + 1 cat. So after last weekend’s “Saturday Scrunch” we went bed shopping and fell in love with a new, lovely, king-sized haven for our Saturday morning snuggles.

And, I must say…yesterday was delicious. We all laid in bed and read for over an hour yesterday morning. I can’t tell you how happy I am that we moved the bed up on the “must-buy list.”

Snapshot Sunday ~ Musician

This is pretty much where we can find Gracie these days – at the piano.

Sunday Snapshot ~ Musician

Usually I just see the back of her head, but I love this look when I do catch a glimpse of her face and she is trying to figure out a new piece. Her Wicked music book arrived on Friday evening and she immediately sat down with pure joy at the possibility of learning a new piece. She is practicing for an Instrument Recital coming up at school, and her piano teacher asked if she would play at the Shrove Tuesday celebration at church in a few weeks, too. I’m just living vicariously (and a little in awe) through her since she has already far surpassed any “plunking” I can do on the piano.