End of MY week.

I think at some point I kind of half-promised at least a weekly roundup and so I’m gonna try to squeak a quick one in here this week, yet again.

Nope, we haven’t been sick (my mom always thinks that I must be sick if I miss a few days of blogging), we have actually been pretty healthy, just running at full speed. Again. Like always. At the start of every week I look at the calendar and think, “this is going to be a nice low-key week,” and then before I know it the week is over and the exact opposite has occurred.

First of all, I need to say a big Happy Mother’s Day to all the Moms in my life. My mom, my sister, my mother-in-law and all my mom friends – you all make my life complete. I’ve learned so much about being a mother from all of you. And thanks to my sweet girls and to my awesome husband. Every day is Mother’s Day for me. And even though Daddy had to threaten you with “being good today for Mommy,” I love our life together.

AND…I love the new addition to our family! For Mother’s Day, Daddy and the girls got me a cow of my very own! Seriously. You rent a cow for the year, and they use your cow’s milk to make you cheese! I get to choose my “toast-colored, soft-eyed, long-lashed Jersey cow” and then I get progress reports and “action shots!” I think it is the coolest gift.

It was a continuation of the week long celebration around here where I have been feeling very spoiled. It was indeed my birthday this past week as well, and I got me some L.O.V.E. Everything from hundreds of well-wishes, calls & cards, champagne lunches, a massage, a great family necklace, a new purse, a table hanger and wallet for my new purse, to much needed Kindle $$ for new books and new running shoes! It was a beautiful week and I felt very loved. Thank you all for everything you sent my way. Big kisses to you all….Mwah!

I’ve got so much to still share with you all and some good crafty goodies and our emerging garden wonderland to show, too! But I want to go soak up a few more minutes of “my week” before next week starts. I’ll be back soon, I promise!

Happy Mother’s Day!

“When I’m a mom, I am never going to do that to my kids!”
“I will never tell my kids – ‘because I said so, that’s why!’”
“I’m not going to do what my mom/dad/parents did to me!”

Ok all you Moms out there, tell the truth. Think back to before your adventure in motherhood, and tell me you didn’t say a version of one (if not ALL) of those statements to your own Mom, or at least think it on occasion?

Oh, I said them all. I was going to be an enlightened, understanding and ever-so patient mom. I would never snap at my children or yell in frustration or tell them, “go find something to do, or I’ll find something for you!”

And then?  Well, then motherhood came and slapped me upside the head. And I was so surprised when something I swore I would never say to my children, slipped so easily out of my mouth.

Now I’m not so surprised, but I have found that I am much more enlightened on what it takes to be a mom. My mom? Now I can look back and see that she did a pretty amazing job. Her “way” seems to be a pretty darn good way of doing things. And also? Being a mom is hard work. Every single day. And my Mom has been doing it for 38 years, and for three kids.

So today I not only send you wishes and gifts of love, Mom – but I also give you thanks for providing me an example of a good Mom to live up to, and a rough draft of a “Mom Handbook” to try to follow.

And when my girls tell me, “When I’m a mom I’ll never…,” I will just smile and know someday they too will figure out the Mom secret. Because I think you can only really fully appreciate something after you’ve lived a bit of it.

To all the hard-working moms, and especially mine, I hope you have a beautiful day and can truly relish in the awesomeness that being a mom brings. Love to you all.


Happy Mother’s Day!

Crafty Tuesday

The girls have been crazy crafty around here again this week.

Mama? Not so much. But J. is out of town this week, my project is done, and nobody is visiting (boo!), so it looks like I may get a chance to get to my sewing machine and maybe a few layouts done, too? We shall see.

In the meantime, you can see all the goodies I got for Mother’s Day! I can barely keep up with the art projects that infiltrate our house most weeks, but the girls created some real “keepers” this week.

Addie came flying out of her classroom on Thursday, “Happy Mahzer’s Day, Mama!” (she still cannot say her th’s!) she yelled, as she thrust a card into my hand and demanded that I read it right there and then.


There are tons of flowers on the front, this drawing of Addie and I (??) on the inside, and a little dictation from Addie – transcribed by Miss Mary.  It says -

“My mom’s name is Carrie. I call her mommy. She’s tall. She works on her computer. She cleans up stuff. She cooks. She likes to go to Target. I like to go to the park with mommy. I like fish sticks with mommy. She covers me up. I love her. ~Addie

Eeeee! How precious is that? I love that the girl knows my Target weakness – and my weakness for little peeks into what goes on inside that curly-haired head.

Emma became very concerned watching this exchange because she was home sick, and she realized they were supposed to be bringing their Mother’s Day creations home! Luckily, Daddy brought her homework to school for her and her teacher made sure Em’s creation came home in time.

Sweet, sweet photo frames.


And I love the flower/garden/growing theme they had throughout their gifts and cards…


Then on Sunday while I was eating my breakfast, reading the paper, she also made this card…


It reads – (design and spelling all done by Emma!)

“Happy Motehrs Day Mommy. I love you. I hop you have a spashl (special) day. I hop you like my sing. Love, Penut. (Peanut)

Double Eeeee! And I did love her singing. (The Cherubs sang in church for the moms). I especially love that she knows how to write a letter and that she is trying to work it all out herself. It is so endearing to watch her learning and growing.

OH, and speaking of growing…we have been growing in other ways, too!

We’ve got BUGS. Ladybugs. Lots of ‘em!


And while I was making dinner last night Emma came running in, shrieking. I thought something was horribly wrong. But, no. We just have butterflies. Two of them have emerged. So much excitement. Meet one of our Painted Ladies -


Appropriate name for Crafty Tuesday, wouldn’t you say?


To all the Moms in my life:

Thank you for being there when I have to cry, for making me laugh when I need it, and most importantly for sharing the joy with me in this crazy maze we call motherhood.

Wishing each and every one of you the best day filled with love.

Happy Mother’s Day!

Just want to wish all the Moms in my life a very happy day today. I started to write to each of you, and realized that I was writing the same things I did last year, apparently I still feel the exact way. So it has been done.

But three people I didn’t thank last year that I really should have…thanks to my one true love, J., for venturing into the land of parenting with me. And thanks to my girls. I wake up every day and am so thankful that I get to be a Mom to the two of you!

Have a happy day ~ wishing you some Mother’s Day spoiling!