Crafty Tuesday

The girls have been crazy crafty around here again this week.

Mama? Not so much. But J. is out of town this week, my project is done, and nobody is visiting (boo!), so it looks like I may get a chance to get to my sewing machine and maybe a few layouts done, too? We shall see.

In the meantime, you can see all the goodies I got for Mother’s Day! I can barely keep up with the art projects that infiltrate our house most weeks, but the girls created some real “keepers” this week.

Addie came flying out of her classroom on Thursday, “Happy Mahzer’s Day, Mama!” (she still cannot say her th’s!) she yelled, as she thrust a card into my hand and demanded that I read it right there and then.


There are tons of flowers on the front, this drawing of Addie and I (??) on the inside, and a little dictation from Addie – transcribed by Miss Mary.  It says -

“My mom’s name is Carrie. I call her mommy. She’s tall. She works on her computer. She cleans up stuff. She cooks. She likes to go to Target. I like to go to the park with mommy. I like fish sticks with mommy. She covers me up. I love her. ~Addie

Eeeee! How precious is that? I love that the girl knows my Target weakness – and my weakness for little peeks into what goes on inside that curly-haired head.

Emma became very concerned watching this exchange because she was home sick, and she realized they were supposed to be bringing their Mother’s Day creations home! Luckily, Daddy brought her homework to school for her and her teacher made sure Em’s creation came home in time.

Sweet, sweet photo frames.


And I love the flower/garden/growing theme they had throughout their gifts and cards…


Then on Sunday while I was eating my breakfast, reading the paper, she also made this card…


It reads – (design and spelling all done by Emma!)

“Happy Motehrs Day Mommy. I love you. I hop you have a spashl (special) day. I hop you like my sing. Love, Penut. (Peanut)

Double Eeeee! And I did love her singing. (The Cherubs sang in church for the moms). I especially love that she knows how to write a letter and that she is trying to work it all out herself. It is so endearing to watch her learning and growing.

OH, and speaking of growing…we have been growing in other ways, too!

We’ve got BUGS. Ladybugs. Lots of ‘em!


And while I was making dinner last night Emma came running in, shrieking. I thought something was horribly wrong. But, no. We just have butterflies. Two of them have emerged. So much excitement. Meet one of our Painted Ladies -


Appropriate name for Crafty Tuesday, wouldn’t you say?

5 thoughts on “Crafty Tuesday

  1. I just love all the homemade Mother’s Day gifts. So sweet. We did the butterflies last year and Harper keeps asking me if we can get more. We might do the ladybugs too.

  2. What a lot of sweetness! The homemade mother’s day gifts are the best, aren’t they?! I especially love Addie’s portraits and Em’s “growing love.” I have a post all ready to go with the mother’s day crafts we did for the grandma’s….but since we haven’t been able to get them to MIL, I don’t want to post it yet!

  3. How sweet! I recently found some boxes of cards and such that my older siblings and I had made. What fun it was to look through it and laugh at the misspellings and smile at the sweetness.

  4. Hi there,
    Sounds like you had a lovely Mother’s Day!
    I have been taking the week “off” from blogging and it’s been nice but I had to check in and see what you all were up to!
    ~Dawn :)

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