No Crafty Tuesday Today.

Not that we haven’t been insanely busy and crafty…but I don’t have a post to share today. I will have lots to talk about next week when this San Gabriel Education Foundation fundraiser is behind us (SATURDAY!!), for being the decorating chairs has been a harrowing experience, and Sunday cannot come fast enough. But I did want to get the Tiger Kitty post down so I don’t see it every time I log into my computer.

I miss Tiger. I think I might miss her more than the girls, even. It is hard to be here during the day by myself – it is just quiet and lonely. Not that she was loud or that we even interacted some days, but she was here…another living creature in the house with me. I keep expecting her to come around the corner and meow at me or climb up on my lap at night when I pull the throw blanket down over myself.

Addie talked us into going to the Humane Society over the weekend because she “just missed petting a kitty.” We agreed as long as there was no asking to bring a pet home. There weren’t a lot of adoptable (thankfully!) pets there this weekend, so we didn’t hear any pleas. Although give it a few more days and she won’t have to do much convincing to her Mama at least. I miss petting kitties, too.

Tiger Kitty.

It was a rough day. It started out hard and just got harder as the day wore on.

Tiger had been sliding downhill for the past few days. We could tell her body was starting to shut down and she wasn’t eating or drinking. She wasn’t really moving that much at all. We found ourselves babying her even more than normal, and tiptoeing around her as she moved from corner to corner in the kitchen. The past two mornings I would wake up and start downstairs expecting the worst and ending up a little bit surprised that she was still hanging in here.

This morning however I could tell that it wouldn’t be much longer. She couldn’t really even stand or hold her head up for very long. So we made sure that everyone got a good cuddle, some kitty love, and to say goodbye. Needless to say everyone was sent off into their day in tears.


emmaShe slipped away while I was away running errands. I was incredibly surprised at how distraught I was when I found her especially since I had already said my goodbyes, I knew it was inevitable, “her time had come,” and all of those other cliches we tell people when they lose someone they love.

I was so grateful that J. jumped in his car and was here before the girls were even out of school to help me deal with both the kitty and telling the girls. To sit and try to comfort your poor devastated girls is probably even harder than saying goodbye to your cat that you have had for over 16 years.



Yeah, that is kinda how we feel about that. Psssthhhh…

But I told the girls the story of how we picked Tiger, or rather how she picked us, at the Santa Clara Human Society all those years ago. We had picked out a kitty playmate for Smokey and were going back to get the other gray kitty named Madison to bring home. While we were walking through the “holding area” for new pets, Tiger reached out, through the bars on the crate and touched J’s shoulder and just let out this little meee-ooow? We both literally stopped in our tracks. The Humane Society lady asked if we wanted to see her and when she let Tiger out of the cage, Tiger promptly climbed up onto J’s shoulder and wouldn’t stop purring. The lady was reading Tiger’s transcript to us and said she was all up to date on her shots, about 2 years old and they thought she was healthy, although every time they tried to listen to her heart they couldn’t hear through her incessant purring. (I went back several days later and the other kitty, Madison had also been adopted, otherwise we might have been a 3 cat household.) Tiger was just meant to be with us.

And she was such an sweet and loving kitty. And INCREDIBLY tolerant of Addie’s non-stop torture…I mean, loving. Addie is definitely taking it the hardest, as we suspected she would. But we buried Tiger in the flowerbed that I have been intending to redo anyhow. Now it is going to be our kitty garden and we are going to get some flowers and maybe even a birdbath this weekend to make it special. Addie spent nearly 40 minutes tonight “shopping” on Amazon and she found a cat memorial stone to put in the garden, too. I think that helped ease the pain a little bit for her.

As for me, I know in my head that she is in a much better place and it is so much better for her, but my heart is aching tonight.

It is just a little rough.


Caught Up At 40.

My sweet husband joins me at 40 today. (Uncle Jeff does too…obviously. Happy Birthday Jeff!)

I can often be heard saying that I have not two, but THREE children. But it is his complete joy at the smallest of pleasures and when J acts like “one of the kids” that makes me love him so.


I love that he is the one I can’t wait to wake up to in the morning and the last one I see when I close my eyes to sleep.

He is always there to share in the big news, the little stuff, and even my Lucy & Ethel schemes.

He’s my shoulder to lean on or my comic relief when I need that instead.

I love that he knows when to reach over to take my hand during the sad parts of Downton Abbey, or shoots me a look that doesn’t even need words, yet we understand each other perfectly.

He’s my forever date, my Valentine, the love-of-my-life and I’m so happy he is mine.

(And just a little bit happy that he is now 40, too. Come on in, babe, the water is fine.)

Happy Birthday, J.
Love you with all my heart.


Flashback 7 years or so.

After our Winter in Cali post yesterday I got these lovely photos in my inbox and a little note from my Dad. I didn’t “clear” this with him, but I figure he won’t mind me featuring him as a “guest blogger” today and sharing his lovely flashback of our sweet (only 2 1/2 year-old!) Em. Although, I think the photo credits must go to Nana since Papa is in some of the photos. Addie must have been only a few months old? I *think* J and I went to a Michigan football game. I don’t know…honestly, it was 7 1/2 years ago, who has that kind of memory?

Care -
I thought of these pics as soon as I saw your post today.

They only feature Emma, cuz Addie was in the house with Nana having a bottle (Addie that is, not Nana).



Sierra Exif JPEG Sierra Exif JPEG Sierra Exif JPEGSierra Exif JPEGI can barely stand the cuteness. I had almost forgotten the crazy fly-away orangutan hair she was always sporting, too! Thanks for this step back in time, Dad.

Winter in Cali.

I know that none of our East coast/Midwest friends and family want to see these photos right now, but….it is my blog and I want to put them up here anyways. So, try not to get too discouraged and remember that we have plenty of room out here. You are all invited to come soak up some sunshine with us – any time!

This is the pile, rather the SECOND pile, of leaves from our ash tree last week. Two FULL bins of leaves were recycled on Sunday, and on Monday Daddy raked again. As he was raking it was literally “raining” leaves.


Jumping in leaves provided nearly two hours of extreme joy for the girls and our neighbor friends.


Daddy kept raking, Mommy kept snapping photos. My favorite of Emma for the day.


And of Ad.


Although this Sweet Sassy Mol-Addie pose is more of what we’ve been seeing around these parts lately.


After we had thoroughly jumped the heck out of the leaves, we bundled them up into FOUR bins and recycled them off.


(The leaves, not the children.)
The sad thing is that our entire lawn is covered once again and it doesn’t look like we’ve raked a day in our life. And the ash tree has probably only dropped 60% of its leaves.

Still. I’d take leaves any day over snow.

Our favorite 6-year old.

Today just kind of flew by in a we-are-doing-a-lot-of-lazy-nothingness kind of way.
We are still on vacation but we missed calling our favorite (now!)
6-year old cousin/niece!
Aunt Bean is still mad at herself over here. So sorry, Ella.

Hope you had a great day Sass-er-Ella! I just know SIX is going to be great!

Happy Birthday. We love you.
Uncle, J., Aunt Bean, Em & Ad

Catchin’ Up.

Ahem. So how have you been? – Says this girl sheepishly as brushes off the crafting dust from her hands. I know! We have not fallen into the Pacific over here, it has just been a wee little bit hectic and I’ve been incredibly preoccupied with trying to get Christmas going around here and finishing up all the boutique goodies at the same time.

I can happily report that we are just about done on all fronts. The boutique orders are almost filled, Christmas gifts that had to travel over state lines were sent out today, Christmas cards are out, *other* gifts have been purchased for the girls, we are in the homestretch. Vacation is so close I can taste it. But before we go into hibernation – I owe you all a little update and some videos!

Em’s piano recital from a few weeks ago.

Song #1:

Em’s Instrument Recital 11/30/12 – part 1 from carrie voris on Vimeo.

and Song #2. Angels We Have Heard On High – my favorite that she is learning as a Christmas present to me. Awww…

Em’s Instrument Recital 11/30/12 – part 2 from carrie voris on Vimeo.

Both girls are busy prepping for the Christmas pageant next week. Addie is a barn cat (because you know they had those in the nativity scene!) and she has one line. Em is a king this year and sings a solo part in the king’s song. We are all very excited for the premiere. Which reminds me that I think I have a few costumes that need to be mended. No rest for the exhausted.

Crafty (oh-so-late) Tuesday

It IS still Tuesday, but I can’t believe how far behind I am over here. I owe you all kinds of stuff, we have been moving and shaking and Birdie #2 and I are up to our earlobes in orders from our boutique…so we have been crafting like crazy, but I haven’t had a free moment to show you all what we’ve been up to.

I do however want to share this little goodie. Especially since we have delivered to all of our neighbors and teachers already, so it is safe to share!

Behold…holiday lanterns, wait for it…personalized with etching!


We were going to do Merry Christmas, then decided if we did house numbers, they could clear out the holiday extras when Christmas was over and use it year-round!

Another one we did for Greta and her monastery.


Oops, looks like this one didn’t get a ribbon yet. The lanterns are from Ikea, we etched on one side, stuck a candle and some holiday greenery. Done! And so far they have been a huge hit.

In other news, my face is healing incredibly well! As soon as the black eye fades, I think most people who didn’t know I had it done will not even be able to see the incision. I’m apparently a super-healer. Woo hoo! Thanks for all of your wishes and good thoughts. (And dinner! I’m looking at you Diane!) Love you all.

I PROMISE, so promise – to be back soon with all the happenings around here. Just need to finish up a few more orders so we can start on OUR Christmas!

The last of November.

December kind of snuck right up on us, as it always does. I have the last few thankfuls from last week that I didn’t get up because honestly…last week knocked me flat on my butt.

About three…four weeks ago the dermatologist called and confirmed that the tiny little bump I had on the side of my nose was in fact, skin cancer. It was the “not so bad, if you have to have skin cancer” kind – basal cell carcinoma. The nurse reassured me that it was a simple out-patient procedure and I did my best to not make a big deal out of the whole thing. In my mind, the bigger the deal…the more scary it actually was, so I chose to just make it “just another day.”

Unfortunately, it was not “just another day.” Anyone who knows me knows that I really don’t do well with needles, blood and that sort of thing. The procedure was a little more than I had anticipated and left me feeling a little off my game for the rest of the week.

But they got all of the cancer. I’m left with 10 (incredibly itchy!) stitches, a bruised eye, and half of my face is all swollen and icky, but they got all of the cancer. And for that I’m most thankful along with some of the other “little” things from last week…

Day 26: I’m thankful the girls are heavy sleepers so I can tiptoe in each night and give them kisses and snap photos without waking them up. I love that they still want to sleep together even though they have their own rooms.

Day 27: I’m thankful for Christmas music and my sweet Em who is learning to play my favorite Christmas carol as her gift to me. (Angels We Have Heard On High – And I’ll post her Instrument Recital video soon!)

Day 28: I’m thankful we live in a fun town where on any given random Wednesday you can be following a Rose Parade float down the street!

Day 29: Thankful today for this amazing man. I know I’ve used him (several times) already this month, but today I’m thankful that he forced me to see that I can’t do it all on my own, as much as I’d like to. Sometimes you just gotta ask for and accept a little help. Thank you J. for making me realize it – for helping me even when I think I don’t need it – and helping me raise our very empathetic daughters who are so sweet when they know Mama is down. I love you all.

Day 30: I’m thankful for our very busy life. As insane as our schedule makes me most days – I’m thankful that we have such a rich and full life filled with loving family and friends. (And I’m also thankful for rainy days in California. Makes it feel a little more holiday-ish around here going into first week of December! Yipes.)

And that concludes our Thankful November. We do indeed have so much to be thankful for.

I promise I’ll be back this week with some Crafty Tuesday and other fun happenings. This week. It is all gonna happen this week.