Team-Up Thursday

Last week the talented ladies at Hip Momma and Mental Inventory threw down the Team-Up Thursday challenge. Always up for a new challenge and hoping to push my new camera just a little further, I asked my friend, Kimberly from Altering Life, to join up with me, and now we are team! You can call us Altering Chaos, or Barely Controlled Life.

Or you can just call me a dork and enjoy what we come up with each week.

The challenge is to pick a “theme” and each of us will shoot a photo to fit it. Then we’ll merge our photos together to make a diptych (a photograph that uses two different or identical images side by side to form one single artistic statement).

Pretty cool, huh? Each week we are going to pick our theme (taking turns) and we’ll shoot from opposite corners of the country and see what we end up with.

Here is Dipy #1:


Kimberly threw out NUMBERS as our first theme and this is what we got.

K.’s is on the left, mine is on the right. It is a little harder than it sounds, I must say. I kind of drew a blank for the first few days, but it did force me to really start looking at everything more closely.

When I opened K.’s photo this morning after I had processed mine, I was surprised (well, not really – we seem to think a lot alike on a bunch of stuff) to see hers in black & white, too. Must’ve been this week’s  subject just warranted the cut-and-dry b&w.

Stop over to see some more Team-Up Thursdays.