Mr. Pickles makes himself at home

We have a new member of our family, his name is Mr. Pickles.

A few weeks back my friend Kate over at My Pet Peeve generously offered to send a Mr. Pickles to us, so the girls and I could play along with the Chicken Game. I was so very excited, and then, um…promptly forgot about it.

So today, when the mailman left a HUGE box on my doorstep with a return address I didn’t recognize, I was a bit puzzled. But imagine my surprise and pure joy when I opened it up and found not one, but TWO Mr. Pickles and he brought gifts!  A giant stack of fabric that Kate claims has been languishing in her basement, never to be used.

Mr. Pickles joins our family...

I cannot tell you how very much that made my week, Kate! Thank you so much! I have ideas for at least five of the fabrics already…fear not, they will be used, and we’ll show Mr. Pickles a good time, too. I hope he is ready for some L.A.- area fun!