Crafty Tuesday (Or how about we just talk Disney?)

Yeah, I pretty much have a bunch of excuses this week. Again. I guess I am in a serious crafty slump. I have pieces of bags all over, but none of them complete. I have all kinds of ideas for the photos I have printed out, but not one page has been scrapbooked. And I haven’t even been able to bake in a couple of weeks. So, no photos of pretty cookies or treats, either.

We decided to give up cookies for Lent. I figured that is one thing that would be a sacrifice in our house. I also kind of threw in brownies, baked sweets, etc. I know myself pretty well…I could just see my gears clicking and the justifications flowing, “Brownies are not technically cookies, right?”

So I am not baking, at least not sweets for our house, until Easter/Em’s birthday.  And I realized during last week’s very long week…I apparently bake when I am stressed out. All I wanted to do was crack open my chocolate chips and make something.

So, instead? J. and I decided to take the girls on a little mini-vacation. (Thanks again for the help, Uncle Jeff!) And we went to “the Happiest place on Earth!” And, you know what? It totally worked. We came home Sunday night all refreshed and happy.

Maybe it was because it was a much needed stress release, or the fact that we now know some good “tricks” for getting around the park and it was hardly even crowded, but I think this weekend was the best time I’ve ever had at the park.

Last time we went, Em and J. decided to make it our mission to go on every attraction at the park. Em was in charge of the map and deciding what we were going to do this weekend.

Studying the map

She did a great job, too. I think we made it into the single digits after this weekend. So we have less than ten rides on our list (out of 80!) that we haven’t been on. AND, I found a new favorite ride. I had never been on Peter Pan’s Flight…I think the line is always long and I assumed it was like the Mr. Toad and Snow White ride, so I never really pushed to ride it, but holy cow! It rocks. I think all of us loved it just a little. We also did the Pirate’s Liar (used to be Tom Sawyer’s Island), and it too – really cool. We also saw the HillBillies show at the Golden Horseshoe, which I also loved! Disney knows how to put on a good show.

Combined with some good ‘ol family time, it was a great weekend.


We did have to sprinkle in a few of our favorites as well, like Pirates and Small World and Addie actually talked Em into “being brave” and going back into The Haunted Mansion. While we were waiting in line, look who joined us…

Nuns. At Disney. Going into the Haunted Mansion?

No, that isn’t kids dressed up for Halloween – that is an actual order of nuns that were at Disney, making their way into see the haunts. I almost couldn’t believe my eyes – I was holding Addie when I spotted the nuns, and J. was quick and grabbed my camera that I had over my shoulder and just held it up and shot. We saw them several times throughout the day and they seemed to be really enjoying themselves. I guess everyone really does love Disney!

And I’ll end with my favorite photo over the weekend, just because I can. And I can never get enough of these two together.


I just love these sweet girls.

What was everyone else up to this weekend? Any craftiness? Or maybe just some fun diversions that kept you from crafting?

6 thoughts on “Crafty Tuesday (Or how about we just talk Disney?)

  1. Oh, that last shot is too precious. Sounds like an incredible mini-vacation. Harper is itching to go to Disneyland. Maybe one day.

  2. So glad you guys got to go on a fun little getaway weekend! Every time I read about your Disney trips, it makes me want to change the sad fact that I’ve NEVER been there. Next time, go on an extra ride for me. :)

  3. You guys going to Disneyland every other week is making me long for the second week in June when we’ll be going to Disney World! I can’t imagine how cool it would be to get to go as often as you guys do…

  4. Great shots of the girls from Disney! That sounds like a great time.

    I gave up sweets for Lent, too! It is a big sacrifice for me, and I wasn’t sure if I could do it, but I’m holding strong. So who is the evil Girl Scout Cookie planner that schedules delivery the week Lent starts?? They need a good talkin’ to, that’s for sure. ;)

  5. We had Opening Day for T-Ball and then the trip up north to visit some friends.

    We “found’ Peter Pan last time too and rode it 2 more times before we left….I love that ride too!

    Glad you had a nice weekend~


  6. Ride all the rides – what an awesome goal! And I did a total double take on your picture with the nuns. Glad you gave an explanation.

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