And, we have a winner! ~ Crafty Tuesday

Thanks to everyone for playing along with last week’s giveaway (and for clicking through to find out how to Save Handmade!), I used the trusty random number picker, and came up with our winner…


And the fourth comment was from my friend over at Blueberry and the Bean (and Sprout, too!). I’ve been reading about her little Bean (which I am partial to, since my childhood nickname was also Bean!) for a long time. I can still remember when the little Sprout was born, and I am just so very excited that she won.  So watch Crafty Tuesday in the next few weeks to see what I can come up with for her.

Besides the contest, there hasn’t been much craftiness going on around our digs. I have a Valentine that I’m supposed to be pimping out (secretly) to send for Emma during their class party this week. But since it is a secret, I haven’t really had much time to work on it. I started it on the Craft Nite we did last Friday, but didn’t manage to even finish the one little card. In my defense, the Craft Nite was totally fun but more than anything it was mostly just gossip hour(s) with some friends and drinks.

But it did inspire me to clean out/up my scrapbook corner! It is lookin’ so good, but still needs a leee-ttle bit of work. I’ll post some photos when it gets there.

So, instead? Let’s discuss some other crazy crafty cuteness! Have you seen Jen’s amazing stuff over at the New Green Mama? Her stuff is just pure sweetness. I saw an owl there awhile ago and had it in mind for somebody for a birthday present. And so last week she posted a new one to her Etsy store and I popped over and snapped it up.

And then the owl arrived on our doorstop.


Me thinks that the little owl might not leave ever leave my house. It is so…so…cute!


And she looks so great on her perch on top of my desk, too…


And…AND! She also sent along a little coffee cozy. Which has been in use nearly every single day since I received it. Gah, I love it!

I adore the little tweet bird. Have you noticed that these little birds seem to be popping up everywhere? I’m so in love with all the little bird stuff right now.

So anyhow…if you haven’t been by Jen’s go visit her now and give her a little love. Her stuff is fantastic – and as an added bonus it is all made from reclaimed, up-cycled products! Great stuff for you, and good for the environment too. You can’t beat it.

And I’m sure that you all have more craft cuteness for us today too…right?

7 thoughts on “And, we have a winner! ~ Crafty Tuesday

  1. eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! i can’t believe i won!! thank you, thank you!!

    i love that owl. how adorable!! i think i would have a hard time parting with it too. :)

  2. That little owl looks wonderful on your shelf! I agree, Jen does a FABULOUS job and it’s such feel good stuff since it is up-cycled!

    I have the tankini tutorial up today, plus a dress I made for Anya last weekend. She’s wearing it to daycare today even!

  3. Oh that owl is so cute!! and the coffee cozy…so sweet! Great Job Jen~

    I say you keep the owl ;) How many times to we mommas buy thigns for ourselves anyways?

    Congrats Carey! :)

  4. Thanks so much for the shout out and nice comments. It was hard for me to part with that sweet owl too, but I am glad she now has a nice home.

  5. Yay, I’m glad for my buddy Carey to win. :) The owl is SO CUTE!!! I love all the stuff Jen posts, she is marvelous! I don’t think I could part with that cute litte guy either.

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