A snuggly bedfellow

When did my little Emma become an easy-to-put-to-bed, good sleeper?

And why am I questioning it? I mean, I suffered through enough sleepless nights, I should just take it as my reward, no questions, right?

(But, the real question is how do we get Addie to that beautiful point that Em is at right now?)

I have even let Em sleep with me the past few nights while J. is away.

E: “Mama, can I sleep with you tonight?”
M: “Em, we’ll talk about it later.” (As I nod towards Addie…indicating that we don’t want to talk about it in front of Addie because sleeping with Addie…well, it just doesn’t work very well.)
E: “Oh, we will talk about it when A-D-D-I-E is not here.”
M: “Mmmm hmmm.”
E: “Can you just tell me Y-E-S or N-O, M-O-M?”

Yeah, she is into spelling everything out. She thinks that by spelling a few choice words Addie won’t know what she is talking about. Hmmm…wonder where she got that from?

(Note to self: Stop spelling everything N-O-W, or start spelling backwards, until she catches on to that one, too.)

She is a stitch! I cracked up when I put her to bed last night when she told me, “Don’t worry, Mama, I will leave some room for you!”

And when I climbed into bed she was indeed all the way over to one side of the bed. She rolled over and fell off the bed, in fact. I got her back in bed and told her that she could move more to the middle so she wouldn’t fall off.

So she snuggled into me and whispered, “I love you, Mama.”

That, my friends, is payback for all of those midnight drives, walking the neighborhood at 2am, and rocking, rocking, rocking so many nights away when she wouldn’t sleep.

And it was oh, so worth it.

0 thoughts on “A snuggly bedfellow

  1. Oh that is just the sweetest!

    She is starting to look so grown up….how does that happen so fast?!

    Also, spelling things? It’s a terrible habit to have – and I do it ALL THE TIME. And sometimes I spell things so fast that other people have NO IDEA what I’m saying. And then I feel like an even bigger D-O-R-K. Ha!

  2. My mom learned to stop spelling things when I started spelling them correctly for her :-)

  3. Ha, her spelling things out is a riot! What a sweet little gal. Sometimes Nadia is a monster in our bed, but other times she’s such a sweet little angel snuggled up next to me.

    My gosh, she looks so grown up in that first picture. Gorwn up and beautiful.

  4. Oh, what a little sweetheart. Beautiful picture of her. It just doesn’t get any better when they say I Love You without any promptly. And if you figure out that sleep thing, let me know. My curly haired blondie is the same way as Addie.

  5. that is hilarious [until Harrison starts it...] spelling out everything, I love it. Actually right now when I spell a word, Harrison will start spouting out random letters like he is spelling a word, too. “K,A, B, T, M.N, O , Z, H…”

    Hope you had a good weekend!

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