Catchin’ Up…

Yikes, where to begin? Is it really already Wednesday? Have you all given up hope that we would even do a real check-in this week? I haven’t even had a chance to tell you all about our fun weekend and we are almost to the next weekend already.

Things have been a bit hectic, largely in part to my project being due today. I did send it off at 2:30am this morning though, which is contributing to my fog-like state today. Factor in Addie’s untimely freak out between 2 and 3am this morning, and both girls staring me down at 6:30am this morning and it makes for one Mommy in need of some serious coffee. It is around 3pm now and I’ve been trying to get Addie to curl up on the sofa with me for a few zzzz’s – but it ain’t happening. So I may have to resort to that coffee after all.

J. left this morning – well, he is leaving this afternoon right after his interview for B-school! He is going in right now, so let’s all send some good thoughts his way in about 22 minutes. I am convinced that he doesn’t need them – but it can’t hurt, right? And then he is flying to SF for a conference for a few days. He has been traveling a lot and ALL of his girls miss him terribly, but he has definitely spoiled us when he is home.

So last weekend, we did the usual dance class and then we went to an Open House for Ad’s school that she’ll be going to in the fall. Did I ever mention that she got into the little preschool that I had originally tried to get Em into – the one like 2 blocks from our house? Well, yes – she did. So I will be walking both girls to school next year, I’m so very excited about that! In hindsight the school that Em is in now was exactly what she needed, and I think that Ad’s is going to be exactly what she needs. So it all worked out in the end.

The school is the sweetest place you have ever seen. I want to curl up in one of its many nooks and just hang out for the day. Her class is actually in an old Craftsman style house that is split down the middle to accommodate two classes. So it is kind of a long hallway with little not quite “rooms” off of the main pathway. Each little “room” is an amazing little space – a reading corner, a building corner, an art corner, a make-believe corner, a dress-up corner. It is so very cozy and we got to meet her teachers, too. I am certain she is going to love it there.

So we had some excitement on Saturday, and I felt like I was not fully concentrated on the girls last week, so I took them to one of our favorite parks on Saturday afternoon.

The first thing Addie does when she gets to the park? Take off her shoes…my little hillbilly child.

The first thing Em does? Head to the monkey bars…she is going to master it before the summer is over, I think.

Which brings us to Sunday. Glorious Sunday.

I slept in til 8:30am…in the morning! Yes, you heard correctly my friends, I got a sleep-in and pleasantly awoke to breakfast in bed, which was amazing.

Momma didn’t cook, clean, do laundry, unload the dishwasher…she really didn’t do ANYTHING all day long. We shopped a little, had a yummy dinner AND ice cream for dessert and just hung around enjoying the day. It really was lovely. My camera even came out of hiding for the occasion.

A few of the girls while we were playing in the yard…

And to top it off, J. and the girls got me this amazing necklace. When we were in Hawaii I was really tempted to get a silver turtle necklace – they are everywhere and so cool – but I never did. J. found one with not only a turtle, but a Mommy turtle with 2 little tiny baby turtles. How sweet and completely appropriate is that?

So I must say I felt very spoiled and loved, and it was a great way to kick off the week.

I didn’t even need to make a wish in the fountain after dinner, although Addie did….

Not too much to wish for when you have these two little monkeys around.

0 thoughts on “Catchin’ Up…

  1. Geesh. Someone needs to send my Man an email. I love him for what he is but he is NOT a gift giver. I know, I buy my own things. But, how nice is that necklace? And thoughtful too. Your girls. Ugh, just adorable.

  2. What a gorgeous necklace! And it sounds like you had a lovely Mother’s day, so good for you. And the girls are adorable, as always! Kudos to you for getting your project finished. I am attempting to study for a final…and am NOT enjoying it. But if you can finish, then so can I. Or at least that is what I am going to tell myself!

    Hope that you get some much-needed sleep tonight!

  3. Cute necklace…love the pics. I had to laugh at the last one. Was Em in midsentence? She has the strangest look on her face.
    Now that the big project is done, do you get to relax?

  4. Great pics, as usual. That necklace is such a thoughtful gift AND wow, with two baby turtles. Perfect! And I think the barefoot thing is just part of being a toddler. At least that’s what I tell the neighbors since my kids are always outside barefoot!

  5. That necklace is perfect! Will J give all the other husbands/daddies some gift-giving tips? He sounds like one awesome guy you’ve got. I’m so glad your big project is finally done. And Ad’s school sounds wonderful, I’m in love with that layout having all the seperate little nooks!

  6. The turtles are beautiful and every picture of those girls is better than the last. They really are picture perfect!!!!

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