Hair Today, Gone Tomorrow~Best Shot Monday

Remember our little discussion nearly a year ago now…what to do with Ad’s hair? I held out as long as I could. I really did listen when people told me “don’t cut her hair, it is beautiful, she’ll lose all her curls!”

But after fighting for the past three weeks with a crabby 2-year old and clearly not winning the battle, I mean…look at the dread-locked, baby mullet, hairdo she had going on -


Detangler wasn’t working any more, and the back was getting too long and heavy, it was actually pulling her curls out! And it just looked really frightful.

So, we took Ad for her first haircut on Saturday. I was going to pick this photo for my BSM because I love the expression so much.


She actually did really, really well. Of course she is just sitting there thinking, “Hurry up already lady. Where is my lollipop? Cuz, I was told…that I could have a lollipop.”

And I took a bunch of pictures and with every snip of the scissors was thinking, “OH MY GOD! I said to trim it up – you just cut like 3 inches off!”

But when it was all said and done, Addie was happy because she got a lolly and a balloon and Mommy was happy because if anything she has even more curls now, and her hair just looks SO.MUCH.BETTER.


Of course she is crabby for other reasons now. Like…um, she is 2. And she has a runny nose again. And…she is 2!

I tried desperately to get a good shot of her sporting the new hairdo but it just wasn’t happening today. But I like this photo a lot, so it will be my BSM for today.


Don’t forget to stop by Tracy’s to see other Best Shot Monday photos.

0 thoughts on “Hair Today, Gone Tomorrow~Best Shot Monday

  1. I LOVE IT!!! It’s absolutely adorable. BTW—the penguin didn’t go unnoticed either :o )

  2. At the risk of repeating myself — those girls of yours are absolutely BEAUTIFULL!! Her new “do” is SO cute! It makes her eyes even prettier than they were before! Good decision, Care.

    Aunt Vicki

  3. I don’t know how you went so long! I can imagine how difficult it was to keep those long curls in check. I can’t believe it’s her first haircut though. I can’t even count how many Zoe has had. She has this in between kind of hair though. Some of it is wavy, some of it is straight. We’re actually off to get a trim today (I think… if I can face the 20 degree weather!)

    I can’t even narrow it down to a favorite…. but I love the 2nd and 3rd. That face!!!

  4. Ihave to say, the picture of her getting her haircut is as close to GARFIELD as you can get! I love it.
    Aunt Laura

  5. She is adorable! Cute little curls, and all tamed and everything, right? :)

    I think that is the same look Kai gives in the chair, the “I want my lolly, so hurry up” look. I know I should have Anya’s hair trimmed at least because it is about a thousand different lengths and the length is weighing down the curls. I’m not ready yet, though. *sigh*

  6. She kept the curls! I can’t imagine fighting to get the tangles out. It is so adorable!!! I want hair like this!

  7. Oh my gosh, how cute she is with the new do! I’m sitting next to Harrison on the sofa and he looked over and saw Ad’s face and had to get closer look! He thinks she’s a hotty!! (He has good tastes, ya know.)

  8. beautiful!! i’m so glad she’s still got her lovely curls.
    it’s funny how we as moms are so sentimental and wait so long to cut their hair and then once we do and it looks just as good if not better than before, we think, wow – why didn’t i do that a lot sooner? ;) i’m totally guilty of that myself.
    great shots, all of them.

  9. So very very cute!! My daughter, almost 2, has not yet had a “real” haircut. I can sense it’s looming on the horizon. When I have the guts to deal with the public display she is sure to make!

  10. Oh I just died from the cuteness of it all. Adorable!

    I have curly hair (and always have), but I used to wear my hair in a ponytail every day. I was out of college before I could wear my hair down — cutting it short to avoid battles is definitely a better option!

  11. I love it – she looks so sweet.

    I still have yet to take my girl in – and yes I’m fighting it every step of the way – lol! You are very brave but looks like the results were well worth it… :)

  12. She is GORGEOUS! I love your MBS, but any one of those could have been your BEST shot.

    We’re letting M go through an “ugly” phase so I can get enough hair for a little bob. It’s sort of scraggly and so thin and whispy. I’m hoping by Easter maybe she won’t look like a boy any more… I can hope, at least.

  13. Oh, wow, you did it! And it looks FANTASTIC, I LOVE it! That portrait of her is beyond gorgeous, and her expression in the salon chair – haha!

    This just might be the push I need to get Nadia’s hair cut. We are in the same situation here – unmanageable baby curls that are a snarly mess most of the time, yet I just can’t bear to cut them. I’m afraid the curls will be lost forever. BUT, Addie’s aren’t gone and they’re more beautiful than ever!! I wonder if the same would happen for Nadia…I just don’t know!

  14. The haircut looks great – they did a really nice job. I love the eyelashes and the little smile in the last picture. It makes you wonder what she’s thinking about that put that smile on her face.

  15. I’m so glad it went well. We have a similar battle with my girl’s hair…I’ve only had the nerve to trim it once so far, but it made a big difference.

    She is adorable!

  16. Oh. My. God. I am being ‘cuted out’ tonight as I look at all these BSMs!!!! That second to last shot…Oh. My. God she is …I don’t know…words fail me….but that expression during the haircut…HILARIOUS!!!!

  17. WOW 31 comments!! Is that some kind of record?
    I guess nothing gets attention like first hair cuts.

    She does look beautiful tho, and it’ll be so much easier on both of you.

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