In a playroom, long, long ago…

…I used to have time to write, people!

I went back through the blog looking for the kitty cake from when Ad turned two and got all caught up in reading old posts. Back in the day when the ladies of the house were a mere 4 and 2 years old – I had all kinds of fodder and photos for blog posts.

What happened? I’m far busier now, the girls are funnier, smarter, and just as photogenic (well, maybe not so much on that last one!) but I can’t seem to string a coherent sentence together. And how did I post nearly every. single. day?

Of course, the pinnacle of my blog career might have been reached in the the old “poop in a teacup” post. You were all spot on when you predicted that someday I would look back and laugh about that. I’ve been sitting here laughing for the past 20 minutes.

I’m vowing here and now, I will do a better job of documenting our chaos around here. I want to be able to sit here on the sofa and have some more good stuff to laugh at.

3 thoughts on “In a playroom, long, long ago…

  1. I had to go back and read the poop in a teacup post. I guess that was before we were friends. Man, oh man. That’s definitely a good one. I have been horrible about posting lately. I am afraid that is just the way it is going to be.

  2. Care. . .I didn’t think I had missed any of your blogs, I don’t always read them right away, but usually end up going back over the week or so that I missed..BUT, I honestly can’t remember ever hearing that poop in a teacup story before.

    I’m guessing you might have “neglected” to remind mom and I of it, for fear that we’d bring up the time that our “darling daughter” taught us what parenthood was going to be like, by “finger painting” her crib, toys and self.

    I think we flipped a coin to see which one would clean and sanitize the bedroom, and who would get to do the bath, hair, and toothpaste to the toothless gums to help get the taste and smell out of your, er I mean “her” mouth.
    That was a classic, glad you have it to enjoy now.

  3. I’m with Stan — I don’t ever remember seeing this before! But I’m glad I didn’t because it is SO funny and I SO need a laugh tonight!! Loved all the details you put in that post. But the poop takes the cake — or should I say the teacup! I agree with Michelle — it would have been priceless for blackmail later.

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