Another Crafty Tuesday excuse…BUT a philosophical moment with a 5-year old

Yes. It is again Tuesday. Yes…I have been painting and making bottlecaps and clipboards, but honestly haven’t taken one darn photo or even thought about blogging it. So until next week for CT, my friends…

I am however chaperoning 2nd graders at the La Brea Tarpits, finishing my final PTA newsletter of the year (Hallelujah!) and having deep discussions like this on the way home from ballet with the littles this afternoon.

Listening to the radio…

A: Mama? That doesn’t even make sense! The song goes…
“Everybody dies, but not everyone lives.”
I mean…they are the same things basically. You can’t die without being live.

Deep thoughts with Addie.

And the countdown til summer is on. 10 more school days….

2 thoughts on “Another Crafty Tuesday excuse…BUT a philosophical moment with a 5-year old

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