Dipy Week #30 ~ Five

Dipy Week #30 - Five

We have the theme FIVE here this week with a cherry (or five) on top!

Kimberly‘s photo is sublime, isn’t it? I adore her processing and the texture!

While I was wandering around trying to decide what to shoot I mentioned to the girls that the theme was five. Addie’s face just lit up, “Oh, Mama! Can’t we use my candle? My five candle? I will hold it for you because I’m going to be FIVE!” (Yes, you have to scream that last FIVE!)

So Addie art directed this shoot for me today. I’ll have to publish the outtakes tomorrow because they are sweet indeed. Just like my almost five year old.

In the meantime, pop on over and see what everyone is up to today.


Hosted by Megan and Hip Momma

8 thoughts on “Dipy Week #30 ~ Five

  1. Kimberly’s cherries really are neat, but you have to really give it to Addie. Her “5 on 5″ sure was neat for a 5 year old.

  2. My only dissapointment is that we don’t get to see her adorable, excited almost-5-year-old face! But UGH, five?! how’d we get here?! K’s cherries are scrumptious too!

  3. I love that Addie gace so much input. Makes the shot event that much sweeter. I can’t believe she is going to be five. Yikes!!! I hope you are all feeling better.

  4. Five on five, “Aunt Laura” nailed it with her comment. That’s pretty cool for an almost 5 year old. :) Can’t wait to see the outtakes!

  5. Ooh, I love five! So happy for her. And I love your comment about the cherries on top. Makes it even more perfect.

    (I’m so behind on reading! I hope you and your cute family are well!)

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