July 2010 A.N. (After Newmans)

If you missed the first installment of our Summer Extravaganza (June 2010 D.N. – During Newmans), you can get caught up here. Or if you don’t really care, here’s the lowdown -

They came. We saw. We conquered.

And then…the Voris’ needed a little downtime. Since we are not doing a big family vacation this summer, (all together that is – more on that in a moment) Daddy decided we needed to go stay a few days near San Diego just the four of us. He found and booked this really nice hotel for us and so we said goodbye to Aunt Meesh, packed our bags and headed south.

(Again…you are getting SOOC, I don’t have any free time to doing any editing or fancying up of the photos!)

Very posh. That pretty much sums up the joint we stayed at.


Emma loved the “very comfortable beds” – until she fell out of one in the middle of the night.


Addie loved the bathtub that was as deep and big as a jacuzzi.



Mama loved the canyon with all kinds of running trails, peace and quiet.


Addie and Mama loved the insane flowers in the lobby.


Addie and Daddy loved the restaurant at the hotel.


The girls loved the family pool area – THREE pools! All heated. Pretty much every waking moment spent at the hotel was in the pools.


We all loved the SeaWorld trip we took.


Daddy just loved having some time with his girls.


It was an incredibly relaxing and fun way to spend our long 4th of July weekend.


And now our summer adventure continues. As I mentioned, we are not taking a big “just-us-four-family” vacation this year, but we are heading out this weekend for more vacation time.

The girls and I are flying to Michigan to go camping with Aunt Meesh and the cousins for a few days, then Mama (me!) is leaving her birdies behind with Meesh (paybacks!) to join up with Daddy in London for a week! After much discussion, we decided that the girls are still not really old enough to appreciate Europe and all it has to offer. But Mommy and Daddy will appreciate being able to travel a little bit knowing that the girls are happy hanging with their cousins and grandparents.

So that is the plan. Sounds good, no? I’m not sure how much updating I’ll be doing from the road, but you don’t really mind these hodge podge, crammed chock-full updates every third week or so, right? Hello? Did anyone even make it through to the end of these last two posts?

Cheerio! Until next time…

5 thoughts on “July 2010 A.N. (After Newmans)

  1. Of course we made it!!!! It was wonderful.
    LONDON!!!!!! OMG I am SO jealous. You will be but a brief hour’s drive from my ma and pa and sister. *sigh* I didn’t like living in England but I always loved visiting London. Have a great time. I’ll be looking forward to the photos.

  2. Made it to the end — every word! So glad you had some family time after the hectic Newman days. Camping, you say?! Now I’m jealous!! Too bad we can’t sneak over and join you for a night or two. Have a wonderful “couple” time in Europe! I’m sure the kids will be just fine — just like the Newmans were at your house.

  3. Have fun camping and in London. You guys will have a wonderful time. The cousins are getting some valuable time together. That is for sure.

  4. Family time is so special, you are truly lucky to have family you can trust to leave your girls with. LONDON!! Yipeee, how wonderful! I hope you and J get lots of together time….like a second honeymoon! ;)

    Take Care, Safe Travels and I want to see lots of pictures!!


  5. Wheeee! The Voris family is living large this summer! I am happy for you…and a whee bit envious for me! Have a blast, my friend. You deserve it!
    Oh, and I love Ad’s own personal restaurant!

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