Lucky #7

Dear Emma Gracie Girl,

Today you turn seven. Lucky number seven. I know I say this every single year, but I can hardly believe how fast time is flying by. I can’t believe that it has been seven years since you made me a mommy.


But what a seven years it has been.

Emma Grace, you are a true dichotomy. And I wouldn’t be the least bit surprised if you already know what that word means. It definitely keeps me on my toes not knowing what you will bring to each new day.

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Some mornings I have to practically sit on you to get you to open your eyes. “Mama, I’m too tired…,” you’ll groan as you cover your head with your pillow. Other mornings? You’re up with the birds, you’ll bound into our room, climb into bed with a sweet cuddle and you are ready to tackle the world.


At school, sometimes I don’t even get a backward glance over your shoulder as you skip into class leaving me standing at the doorway watching you go. And then other times you smother me with goodbye hugs and kisses and then turn around to make sure I get an extra squeeze and an “I love you” before you head off.


You can recite entire chunks of dialogue, word-for-word,  from movies like The Fantastic Mr. Fox, but you still love to sit with Addie and giggle at “poop” jokes from Fanboy and Chum-Chum.

You have memorized most of the Shel Silverstein poems in all three of his books you own (I love how you turn down the corners to mark your favorite poems – except nearly every single page is turned down!) but you cry if we start Addie’s bedtime story without you – even though it is a “baby book” or the Little Mermaid for the 10,000th time.


You long for the sparkliest, gaudiest,  rhinestone-encrusted (only fit for a teenager) outfit at the mall, yet at the same time you squeal with delight when I hand you a homemade, sweet, (little-girl appropriate) sundress.


I sometimes worry that you are growing up way too fast, but then again, I think I don’t really have anything to fear. I know you are trying to find your way, spread your wings, test the waters – but I also know that you are so incredibly smart you already feel when too much is just, well, too much. You seem to have a pretty good handle on where the line of a seven-year old is drawn. And I sure am happy to have a front row seat while you figure it all out.


I hope seven is a very lucky year for you, Gracie baby. I can’t wait to see what tomorrow brings.

Happy Birthday.

All my love,

9 thoughts on “Lucky #7

  1. I love you Emma Grace! I hope your seventh birthday is the best one yet. Squeeze your mama and get a hug from me. Happy Birthday!

  2. Dear Emma Grace — Hope this will be your happiest, luckiest birthday yet! Have a very exciting day — and a great tea/birthday party tomorrow! We sure do love you!

  3. Emma Grace. A big Birthday wish to a special Granddaughter. Hope you have great day.
    I Love you

  4. Wow.. seven?!?!? Already?!?! Happy Birthday to Emma and what a beautiful post, Care :) Enjoy the party tomorrow.

  5. She’s growing so fast! Happy Birthday Emma Grace…I have a feeling that seven is going to be an amazing year for you!

  6. It’s hard to believe “little” Emma is seven years old now! What an awesome girl she is. Happy Birthday, Gracie Girl! Hope the teaparty was a huge success today. :)

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