This & That Thursday

So we’ve been a few Thursdays without a crazy pic from Addikins…


…and there we go.

Because I didn’t have enough junk to do on my “to do list” I decided I’d try to get a new photo for the header last night.  After we spent a good 20 minutes looking for the second Santa hat – I gave up and promised that I would Photoshop a Santa hat on whichever girl ended up hatless, and then we took turns with the hat.

Yeah, so that was a small white lie, since I (obviously) did not take the time to do that for the header photo. Sorry, girls. I’ll pay for the years of therapy you’ll most definitely need later in life.


That of course is not the only little white lie going on around here. The whole Elfie (Elf on a Shelf) thing is pure gold. I just have to look at the creepy little Elf and the bickering and whining stops as abruptly as it starts.

I am making a little bit of headway on my Christmas list – well, I have ideas for everyone. Still working on the execution of most of them. I’m really struggling with the girls and J. though. Seems like they should be the easiest ones to buy for since I am with them 24/7 – but I’m not finding anything good.

Of course it doesn’t help that Addie is telling anyone who will listen that she is getting a “new Smokey” – a real new kitten.


Yes. That is not happening. Even when they flash me those “puppy-dog” eyes.

I’m making a bit of headway on my “other” Christmas stuff too, like the cards. Well, again…I have an idea. I’ve bought the paper and envelopes. Still working on the execution.

All this generating ideas is hard work. I think I’ll go figure out where all the mint M&Ms have disappeared. Maybe I’ll set up a videocamera to try to catch our M&M thief. Surely J. and I could not have eaten an entire bag in one night.

(Seriously…if you have a few minutes you have to go watch the “Creeper In my Apartment” video, it is freakin’ me out right now!!)

Have a great weekend. I hope you are all very productive and get further on the execution of your Christmas than I am likely to!

7 thoughts on “This & That Thursday

  1. So sweet. I love the new header!!!We have an Elfie too, but he is losing his effectiveness. I actually think they may be acting worse now. AAARRRGGGGGHHHHH.

  2. Oh creepy! That’s so gross that she drank right out of the container…..let alone what she did in the sink :{

    Love the new header and the crazy pic of Addie!

    Have a great day~


  3. OMG, that video totally weirds me out! should not have watched that. I’ll just go look at those two sweet girls again…okay, that’s better now. Em’s face in picture #2 is totally the sweetest ever. I really need to do a new header, too – mine is oooooold. I also need to get an Elfie! Good luck on finishing up the Christmas list…I’m making some progress, but still have too much to figure out.

  4. Okay, you totally can’t post all those cute pics of the girls and then expect me to pay attention to what you have to say too! ;) Love the new blog look too.

  5. Love the new header! Please bring to MI the pic of Addie squeezing her dear sister (with Emma’s eyes closed). I love it!

  6. I think you and I are in the same boat, no ideas and having issues executing what ideas I do have. My cards are done, I just have to get the envelopes addressed. *sigh*

    I seriously can’t wait for my kids to be big enough for me to threaten them with Santa, does that make me a bad person?

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