This & That Thursday

Limping, crawling, dragging…

…but, hey! We are here. Sheeeweeew. It has been a really long week.

Let’s kick off This & That with our crazy Addie expression for the week:


I know it isn’t really in focus, but trying to capture all of her crazy faces, while she is moving at the speed of light, is a feat all unto itself.

My happiest moment this week? Monday night around 7:30pm when Addie’s mouth finally stopped moving. I know, I know…someday I’m going to miss this. But! Oh.My.Peas. Seriously?

Ad didn’t have school, but Em did, so Addie just followed me around and talked. Non-stop. We were in JoAnn Fabrics right when they opened, so we were the only ones in the store. And I kid you not, when we got up to the checkout the salesperson was cracking up when she said, “Wow, did she have some coffee this morning or what? It is only 9:30am and she is good to go!” She did not stop talking the entire time.

And then we went over to do our bi-monthly Costco run, and the running commentary just continued. There was a brief respite when Em got home, but…CHATTERBOX! Wow.


And then Wednesday was Em’s day with no school due to Parent/Teacher conferences. There was much less chattiness with Em, and she was just thrilled to pieces when her two friends got to come over and relieve her from spending time with her MOM!

Or maybe she just still traumatized by me taking her on California Screamin’ at Disneyland last weekend. Hee. It is a very fun rollercoaster and Em asked me while we were in line, “Does this go upside down, Mama?” I told her I didn’t think so, but I had never been on it before.

It does. Of course. After we did the upside-down loop she said to me, “Mama?! Did we go upside-down?” I said, “Yeah! Did you miss it?”

“I think I had my eyes closed. It was scary. I don’t like the upside-down, but I do like the fast up and down parts.”

That’s my girl.


The past two days have been awesome, very atypical, fall-like weather for Southern California. We had some storms! It was really nice to have a few days of chilly, rainy weather and it was satisfying to pull out the ‘ol sweaters.

Of course, all I really wanted to do was curl up in front of the fire and finish reading my books. I’m re-reading the Harry Potter series – it is even better the second third time around. I keep trying to assess whether they are too dark to start reading to Em. I can’t wait to read them with her! Although we have been reading Little House on the Prairie, and there are some pretty serious parts in there. Like Indian attacks, massacres, etc. I had forgotten about most of that (it was at least 25 years ago when I last read them!) and I cannot just skip over things anymore, either. “Eagle-eyed” Emma will correct me if I dare try to “trim” off any words.


And if I can just brag for a moment? She is reading at a 3rd grade reading level. And is plowing through her timed math tests. And will be in the group that gets a specialized spelling test each week – because the normal one is too easy. Miss Smartypants. Her teacher basically said in her conference today, “Um, I don’t really have anything I need you to work on with her. Just keep doing what you are doing.”


That is validating, for sure. And I’m very proud of her. My friend Jamie said, “She is like a mushroom. She can be shut in a dark place given a little water and she will still thrive.”


So very true. Only it is Addie we need to shut in a dark place for bit. My ears are still ringing. Or maybe it is Harry Potter calling to me. Or maybe I’m just very, very tired.

Happy Thursday to you all…



11 thoughts on “This & That Thursday

  1. Now that is one newsy post!! LOVED it!!! Big kudos to Emma — hard to imagine where that girl will end up with that mind of hers. You must be so proud! Too funny about Addie’s continuous mouth! Love to all of you!

  2. Do you people EVER slow down?! I get tired just reading your posts. ;) Love, love the roller coaster pic. And Addie’s first shot made me LOL. You’re one blessed woman!

  3. LOL, don’t think that chatting will stop….mine is going on 13 and oh, the chatting. it’s. non. stop.

    The roller coaster shot is soooo cool!


  4. That roller coaster shot is awesome. Miller talks NONSTOP as well. I can tolerate it most of the time as long as he is not asking me questions. I get SO tired of answering ALL the questions and of course everyone starts out…Momma, hey momma…..why is that man wearing blue pants? Momma, hey momma what kind of car is that? Momma, hey momma is Harper’s kindergarten on the ground or in the sky? Huh? Oh my, I can so relate to your post. He even talks himself to sleep at night.

  5. I’m so far behind on blogs!!! I’m always saying that aren’t I? I love how your fam does such fun things together!!! The roller coaster looks like a blast and I love her take on it.

  6. I swear Addie is the female equivalent to Harrison! K. and I both get SO exhausted from listening to Harrison talking…and talking…and talking…

    Harrison wants to ride California Screaming, can you believe it? I told him he isn’t tall enough yet. He’s not happy with that answer. The shot is GREAT!!

    I’ll be out shooting other families tomorrow and Sunday – wish me luck!

  7. you guys are just go, go, GO, aren’t you?! My goodness, just hearing about it wears me out. But SO MUCH FUN, too! Your girls are going to have the best memories of growing up with such an awesome mama. Kudos to your brilliant Em! She’s braver than me, too – I wouldn’t go on that rollercoaster! I am a scardy cat and would be afraid it would make my heart act up. But the chatterbox bit? Yep, I can relate to that! My ears are so glad for a break at the end of the day.

  8. Look at those gorgeous gals having a great time at Disney! The chatterbox thing is so lovely :-D My grandfather used to sya the women in our family were ‘inoculated with a gramophone needle!’. And what a report for Em. What a relief for you :-D !! All your hard work is paying off. The old ‘when to Harry’ question is a tricky one. I think we read the firt when the BA was about 6. I know I wouldn’t let her see the first movie when it came out even though all her 6 year old friends went. A friend said her son ‘loved it’ even though he spent a significant time under the chair in the pictures!!!!! Ridiculous. When the BA eventually saw it on video (small screen is less confronting), it was the troll who gave her nightmares! I thought he was rather funny in the movie. I still don’t regret holding off and by the time the second came out she was much more ready for it. She read the last 4 books by herself. I’m sure you will gauge it right.

  9. My guy wanted to go on California Screamin – lol I said no – I’m a meany. Next time. Next time! Which is hopefully soon. Looks like ya’ll had a great day.

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