Home is where the heart is…

…and I think our hearts will be right at home in our new place!

I just went to visit our new house and work on some arrangements with the family who is moving out. They are leaving a swing, big playhouse, and sandbox along with a bunch of other stuff – it is seriously going to be like Christmas the week we move in for the girls. For me, too!

I really love the house. After being there again today, even the wallpaper in a few of the rooms that I originally thought we should take down or paint over, really isn’t so bad. And, I got a chance to really look at the closet/storage situation. Heaven! Every closet is bigger than the last, and they all have built-in drawers and shelves. Each of the girl’s rooms have built-in shelves.  We have a cedar-lined closet in our room. It is just so perfect. I feel so incredible lucky to have found it – or I guess lucky to know a person that could help us find it.

So anyhow, I’m feeling lazy about writing today and really feel like I need to be getting my act together, especially after seeing the house again. The move is coming soon and I have a lot to do.

Plus my bloglines just “lost” all of my blog addresses. All of the blogs I love to read. I guess it is just the universe’s way of telling me I should be doing some work instead of goofing off.  If you are reading this and have a blog…leave me a comment, please! I need to find all of my blog friends again. :-(

In the meantime, here are some pics of our new place. I didn’t take any of the inside, but I will as soon as it is empty!  (This is mostly for the Michiganders and family…since you are the most interested in what our new place looks like.)


This is the view from the street looking toward the front door. It is on a corner lot.


A little bit closer, so you can see the courtyard (it is actually really big, and that is an outdoor fireplace!) leading up to the front door.


From the other side, another gate to the courtyard and the driveway and garage. (See my car looks great in the driveway! It was meant to be.)

0 thoughts on “Home is where the heart is…

  1. Nice house, can’t wait to see the inside. The girls are going to have fun in their courtyard.

  2. Fantastic, awesome, I can’t wait to come and see all of you and get a first hand look. It may be sooner than you think!! Loves of love, Nena

  3. The house looks amazing! That courtyard will be a great place to read (or blog if you have a laptop) while the kids play. Congratulations…from what I understand, it’s pretty incredible to find a place like that in California.

  4. The house looks nice! I’m glad its you moving and not me! I love decorating new places, but hate relocating. Maybe in between moves (once we’re back stateside) I can make it out to CA to visit. Enjoy the house, apartment living is so not for me!

  5. hey! thanks for the comments. it IS HUGE! well, everything compared to our apt. now is….but we are going to have an entire room for play/crafts/and guests! so anybody who wants to visit – come on out!

    we will definitely be blogging and playing out in the courtyard (by firelight!) soon!

  6. I know I’m a little behind here, but I love the new place. Can’t wait to see it in person!

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