A Hot Game of Zingo ~ Wordless Wednesday

Bingo with a Zingo

Okay, I just can’t let this one go Wordless.

I mean look at Puppy Dog Alarm Clock’s sad and forlorn eyes. He wants to just smack that smug smile off of Care Bear’s face. Dumb bear, all uppity and gloating because it is winning.

Like this photo, from a few months ago, this pic just makes me laugh out loud. It also reminds me that the girls are at such an amazing stage. They spend hours together and come up with the most involved and creative play, it is really something special to watch.

This game – Zingo – is their favorite board game to play right now. Addie got it from my friend Kimmer and she just adores it! It is a great game for 3-4 year olds. And truth be told, it is one of my favorites to play with them, too. It is a refreshing change from Candyland, and I like that Addie has just as good a chance to win as anyone. So it is fair and fun!

My favorite thing they play though is “Mommy/Honey.” (Yes, that is what they call it.) Usually Addie is the “mommy” and Em is the “honey (little girl)” and they just play “house” for hours. I really need to video/tape some of the conversations they have, because they are wet-your-pants funny. And the funniest part is that Ad sounds EXACTLY like me in some of the things she says.

Well, most of the time it is funny.

10 thoughts on “A Hot Game of Zingo ~ Wordless Wednesday

  1. You’re like the tenth person to mention what a great game Zingo is. We’ve never played it and aren’t even familair with it. Sounds like that needs to change!

    Usually I’m cool with only having one little girl. But posts like this make me long a bit for sweet sisters. Oh, but Nadia and I do play that she’s the Mommy and I’m the “darling” – which is funny, since I never really call her darling!

  2. ahhh, that reminds me of bean’s dinosaur tea party! (all her plastic dinosaurs sitting around her tea set on the floor, asking for more sugar and such. ha!) i just love it when kids pretend!!

    and i’m going to have to try out this zingo game for sure. :)

  3. We are going to have to try that game. My kids love playing games. I am glad you didn’t leave it wordless. Your commentary made me laugh out loud.

  4. Cute picture! I love all those stuffed animals lined up for the game. That looks like something my little one would do. Sounds like a fun game. :)

  5. I love this shot. Like you said, the expression on the dogs face and the care bear just cracks me up.

  6. Cute post…LOL, the Care Bear would totally get on my nerves too…

    You MUST videotape!!! and Post please!!

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