Projects ~ Theme Thursday (kinda)

This is kinda what we all feel like around here…

dazed and a little confused

…dazed and maybe a little confused. We are all fighting head colds, stuffy, stuffy noses and chesty coughs.

When I found out this week’s theme was Projects, I decided that I really only had 2, okay really only had 3 “projects” that I wanted to get done this week.

1. Switch out some photographs in the frames around the house (mostly on the mantle – but really all over),
2. Get all of my news/RSS feeds moved over to NewsGator (so I can read them on my iPhone), and
3. Organize my scrap stuff in time for my Crafty Friday Nite Party (as in the Friday that is tomorrow).

So…how did I do?

Well, here is the before photo of the frames on the mantle.


And here is the after shot.


Stunning, isn’t it? Part of the problem is that I love all of these photos, but I have new ones I want to put up and I’m seriously running out of space for frames. I remember my Dad asked me when we lived in Chicago – “How did you guys ever decorate before you had kids?” It’s true…we have a lot of photos of the girls. I just need to part with some of the photos…but how do you do that? Another day, perhaps.

Let’s see. Second on the list?

Well, I did start that project at least. See? Laptop open.  Coffee nearly gone. Newsgator account created. And a few feeds even entered before my head just had to lie down on the pillow. So heavy. (See first paragraph up there…see it? Stuffy head?)

Then I did catch a second wind and decided as long as Emma was running around (she clearly could have gone to school today) we were going to tackle the playroom/craftroom. I was going to attempt to at least get to that third bullet point on the list.


So many stinkin’ little tiny Polly Pocket shoes, and Barbie shoes, and dress-up shoes! Honestly, do they reproduce in the middle of the night?

Hours later after we had rounded up a trash bag of toys to giveaway and another bag of junky stuff to trash, I decided it was a good idea to steam clean the area rug in the room. It does look amazing on the playroom half of the room.

Needless to say the scrapbook stacks of stuff are still sitting there on the desk (the craft side) beckoning me. But I just don’t have the energy tonight. I am pretty happy that everything is back in its’ place on the toy side, the craft side will have to wait for another day.

One other happy little outcome from this project. Emma really got into the cleaning and organizing. She was so proud and called me to come see how she had organized the play kitchen.


If I had any voice left I would have surely gone on for a good ten minutes about how amazing it looks and how I couldn’t be prouder. But I fear I may have passed a little of my obsessive-compulsiveness on to her today.

0 thoughts on “Projects ~ Theme Thursday (kinda)

  1. For those photos you don’t want to part with….get a large scrapbook – one of the oversized ones (like Creative Memories has) and just put the ones you take out of the frames in there. No need to scrap the pages and crop the photos….they’re already great shots. Just stick them in the book. period. do nothing else except maybe date them. Then you have them – a record of what was up around the house. You aren’t disposing of the photos and you can make it into a coffee table book – like a model’s portfolio or something……

  2. Awww, I’m sorry you’ve had the sickies this week. Here too, and it’s totally miserable. Ugh. Hope you’re all better soon!

    I so need to update the pictures I have on display, too, but I have the same problem. I think I want to totally change my layout too, and hang unframed mounted prints for a clean look.

  3. She did an excellent job with her kitchen. It’s so much fun how kids like to clean up when you list expect it. :)

    I hope you guys are feeling better soon.

  4. Hope you guys are feeling better soon!

    At least you got some projects tackled, so you can check them off the list! That is the important part. That is very nice that Em organized…I think being OCD and CLEAN is a perfectly acceptable thing to pass along to your children. :D

  5. OCD about organizing and washing our hands is a little out of control here too….even my husband is on the hand sanitizer kick….I secretly LOVE it!

    Hope you all are feeling better soon!!

    PS-Is it really Friday tomorrow??? Oh, my….

  6. Like Megan said – you are not the only one with good intentions. I am right there with you in needing to swap out the photos in my frames…but I too am having a hard time doing it. I like the idea of having all those taken out put into a book – besides, then you have a nice place to go when you need pictures from a specific age or something for school projects!

    Hope that you all are feeling better soon — sending good health vibes your way…

  7. Your “before and after” project is somehow familiar to me. . . .
    It’s all good. At least we have ambitious goals – better than not having any at all I say!
    Have a fun craft Friday night!! That sounds so fun.

  8. If I had a head cold, I would not have gotten a thing done. So I think you are doing good. I love the organized kitchen. She did a wonderful job. Being OCD isn’t always a bad thing.

  9. Actually, I’m glad you didn’t switch out those photos yet. I like them all! (But I understand.) It just never occurred to me to swap out pictures.

    Next time invite me to Crafty Friday! LOL! What do you’ll do together? Sound fun and inspiring.

    Now I must go tackle my craft room.

  10. you get to do some crafting tomorrow? I’m so jealous. I haven’t crafted since our weekend getaway – ouch. Poor Will. His book will never get done.

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