The WonderGirls Win Big!

Not that anyone was keeping score, or anything!

We technically aren’t supposed to keep score in the U6 league, all the kids are just out to play and have some fun. But that doesn’t stop the parents (or the players!) from keeping a mental tally. And for the record, the WonderGirls had an amazing day.

We started the day off with our regular Bagel Saturday tradition. While we were waiting for our bagels, Emma, looking very perplexed, told me – “Mama? I don’t want to be in the show.”

After a bit of discussion and reassuring that the game (not show!) was just going to be in front of the parents – like practice only they got to play against some other girls, she seemed a bit relieved. But I did notice she was very quiet through breakfast. I think that she thought it was going to be on the big football field with the full grandstands like their opening day ceremonies were. And I think she had a little bit of the butterflies.

Once she got to the field and started running around with her friends, all the nervousness was forgotten.

During the game, they all looked really good. They were just the right amount of aggressiveness, and they all ran for the entire game. I was so impressed with Emma and her effort. I tease her because she has a bit of the “lazys” in her at times. “It is too far to walk to Ad’s school!” (Three blocks!) “My feet hurt, can I ride in the stroller?” And so on.

She shoots...

But on game day she ran her little butt off. I was so proud of her. And…she scored a goal!

...she scores!

(Note: This is her scoring her goal. J. was at the other end of the field and didn’t have my long lens on the camera. He was the photographer for the event since I was trying to help “coach.” And he got tons and tons of photos — nobody can make fun of me for taking hundreds of photos in a single day anymore! I think he had close to 400. We were out there for one hour. That is a lot of clicks! I didn’t get permission to show the other girls, so I weeded the photos down to just a few!)

Look at how proud of herself she was!

Oh, yeaaah!

Getting a little strategy from coach. I think holding your braids up like that helps in concentration or something.

Talking strategy

And then when the game is over the parents and spectators make this little tunnel for all the girls to run through, the girls thought that was pretty cool.

Winner's Walk

All in all, I think it was a fantastic first game. The WonderGirls at one point had scored so many goals (and the other team had scored none) that our Coach actually told the girls to “lay up” a little to let the other team get a few scores, too. And when one of the girls from the other team tripped and fell, one of our WonderGirls stopped to help her up – true sportsmanship in a little five-year old!

I could not be any prouder of our girls. And to see their faces when they were running off of the field, you could see how proud of themselves they were for getting out and playing so hard.

Makes all of the craziness that soccer adds to our week, totally worth it.

8 thoughts on “The WonderGirls Win Big!

  1. Oh my goodness, how cute are they?! What a great show…errr, I mean game. And well captured, too – 400 photos? Wow!

    Love the new banner! I so need to change mine….

  2. Go Emma! I love the sportsmanship story in this —- how sweet to pick the other little girl up :o )

  3. Oh that is so wonderful that she is having so much fun in soccer. LOL at J. taking 400 pictures. I hope it wasn’t YOU that had to weed through all of them. ;)

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