Crafty Tuesday

I actually HAVE something today – I know you can hardly believe it. Behold, my craftiness for the week.

This week I made a few birthday cards for some friends, I can’t remember where I saw this idea of buttons for flowers, but It was a fun little task. (Vic and Aunt C. – you’ll have to let me know how they travel through the mail!) So the flowers are buttons, I drew the stems and leaves, and stamped the “wishes.”


AND…I also have two layouts that I got done while the kids were playing together last night. Sweet.

The first was inspired by this post from last year and is called First Born.


(click for big)

I’m still not completely happy with the title – that may get redone. I was going to do a paint/wash on some chipboard, but I didn’t have the right letters in the right size, and since I’m trying to use what I’ve got before splurging on any other scrappin’ goods…I didn’t get to complete my “vision” for this one.

The second one is pretty self-explanatory.


The tag on the left says “Sisters through thick and thin” and I finally got to use this velvet bric-brac ribbon that I’ve had for ages – it is the prettiest color green (doesn’t come through all that well in the photos, but it is pretty!) and was perfect between all of the photos.

It felt so good to get back to doing some creative things for a change. Now what do you have to show for the week?

0 thoughts on “Crafty Tuesday

  1. Cute cute cute! I LOVE the cards – I need to make some more birthday cards myself…I made a whole lot of the same design a few months ago, and I’ve almost used up my stash!

    I haven’t done anything crafty lately…maybe next week…

    Cute layouts too!

  2. Ooooh, so cute! Yay, glad you got some craftin’ time in this week. I’ve missed seeing your scrappin’ goodness. :) Cute layouts and I love those cards!

    Another dress up at my place…just one this week, though. ;)

  3. Those are all gorgeous! I am definately going to use that button/flower idea. It looks so sweet. And the first born layout is just perfect.

  4. Nice work!!! I love the first born page. Wish I had something to show…. The only thing I did this week was make over our bathroom… is that crafty?

  5. The cards are adorable and I’m sure Vic and Aunt Carol will love them. I LOVE THE FIRST BORN page! Did you write the poem or is that one you found somehwere! I loved it, I needed to be reminded of how sweet my first born is b/c it seems as if most days are trying and filled with lots of attitude!

  6. CUTE idea with the buttons-as-flowers! Love it!
    Both scrapbook pages are lovely. Yours always look so professional -which makes sense, since you really ARE a pro! But the “first born” one…it brings tears to my eyes.

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