Girl, keep your pants on.

Certainly hoped we would never have to utter those words to our girls. But apparently, Addison does NOT care for her pull-up any longer.

She is doing incredibly great with the whole potty training thing. We have been all over the city, running errands, always prepared with a back-up change of clothing, of course, but we haven’t had one accident. She really likes her big girl panties.

She, however, (much like her older sister) does not care to, uh…do the #2 in the potty, yet. (Sorry, if that is a little too much information for you. If it was – you might want to skip the rest of this post. I’m just saying, the “poop” talk isn’t over.)

So, again just like Emma did, Ad “saves” up her poop-duty for naptime. And I have been attempting to put a pull-up on her in preparation for the event.

Oh, and I forgot to mention that she is working really, really hard on trying to give up her nap completely. Well at least when I put her down…she does still nap for Denise. (Grumble, grumble, grumble.)

Yesterday, I gathered her up and so hopefully put her down for a “rest.” After about an hour, she started complaining pretty loudly. I let her go for a little bit, and finally J. caved and went up to get her. Pretty soon he sent Em down and she gleefully informed me, “Addie pooped the bed! Daddy really needs some wipes and paper towel.”

Fantastic. Apparently when he got upstairs, all of her animals, blankets, books, etc. were tossed out of the crib. She was standing completely naked (she was fully dressed when I put her down – including bottom-half of Cinderelly) at one end of the crib screaming about the little “pile” at the other end of the crib.

Today, when I so optimistically put her down for her “rest,” I figured there is no way that we’ll have a repeat of yesterday. I truly am naive, you’d think with 4+ years of this mom-thing under my belt, I would be a little bit smarter about all of this.

You can, of course, see where this is going. We’ve been through three sets of sheets in the past two days. Anybody have any ideas how to keep the pull-up on her butt? Believe me, I am not above using duct tape, if that is what it takes.

(Hi Mom & Dad – I know, I know. At least she just “screams” at the poo, and doesn’t smear it, use it for paint, or something else….what did you do to keep my pants on??)

0 thoughts on “Girl, keep your pants on.

  1. Well… I’m not going to be one of those people who avoids the poop stories. I want myself fully prepared for everything Zoe may or may not do when the time comes. I am in no rush to potty train… I’m liking diapers.

    Is there any kind of outfit she can’t get off? Maybe put her in a one piece thing for nap? Pull of some ovrealls with buttons at the top? I have no clue. Let me know if you figure something out so I can add it to my list of things to remember.

  2. I agree Care. If you just can’t bring yourself to use the duct tape :D then I would opt for an outfit that she can not get off yet by herself. Usually a one piece, with snaps or buttons on the back of the neck. Maybe entice her with stickers or a lollypop or something yummy AFTER nap time if she successfully poo’s in the potty before nap time. Or, maybe that is just HER time to go :( and no matter what you do, she will have to poo during nap time. (See, she IS smart. She knows how to stop those nap times! LOL) We found zippered PJ’s worked well. After that, it was bib overalls with a onsie underneath. Or, go the extra mile and just forgo all blankets and clothes and put her in her snowsuit. Of course, it may look a little odd, especially out in Cali. We’ve gone through this stage too, recently. Except it was as you described in the bottom of your posting. Mr. J decided to paint not one but TWO of his pack n play cribs while supposedly napping. (sigh) I wish you ALL the luck on this task.

  3. I was going to say put on a onesie with really difficult snaps! Ugh…I do not envy you there. I am lucky that my kids were never afraid to go #2 in the potty. I truly don’t understand why they want to sit in it. Hopefully this won’t happen to you anymore!

  4. We’re not as far along the potty training journey and Nadia still wears diapers all the time. But we went through a phase like this a few weeks ago. It was something like 5 days in a row that she managed to get her clothes off, get the diaper off, and ummm, do her business. Pants over a onsie did the trick for us (just a onsie or shorts didn’t work), and after several days she lost interest in that little game and we haven’t had a repeat. Yet. Crossing my fingers. Good luck!

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