It is so on…

Conversation from yesterday that never made it into a post. Proof that my daughters are in fact sisters and not sweet and loving all of the time.

E: Stop! Stop it, Addie. No you have to do it like…
(Interrupted by Addie, shrieking, and then full on screaming.)
M: What happened?
(Addie is holding her head and crying. I try to tell her to take a breath and tell me what happened. That clearly isn’t going to happen, she shrieks louder and and eardrum-shatteringly louder…)
M: Em what did you do to Addie?
E: Nothing. Well…I don’t want to tell you.
M: Well, go sit on the stair until you feel like telling me.
(Stomp. Stomp. Stomp…in the general direction of the stairs. And Addie begins to quiet down.)
A: *sniff, sniff* I ok, Mama. Uh oh…Mama? Emma not on stairs.
E: Addie! I. AM. TOO! (
She wasn’t.) Mama, you need to tell Addie that she is tattling, and that is NOT nice.


How does a 2-year old know how to “tattle?” And how does a 4-year old know how to call out tattling?

Gonna be a long 14 years.

0 thoughts on “It is so on…

  1. I empathize — unfortunately I don’t know that it gets better. It happens to be an everyday occurence around here.

  2. You know though Care, many years down the road you will read this and laugh!! Remember how we talk about how much you forget as you’re more removed from it?

  3. :) I hate to say it but things get (worse) better as they get older and near puberty! ACK

    And tattling…well, you learn all kinds of things in school. Both good and bad!

    Enjoy these moments!

  4. He he – my 2 year old loves to tattle on her sister – sometimes its handy (such as when her sister is chewing on a bottle lid she found somewhere) but most time annoying. Can you imagine what its going to be like having two teenagers at once? Blah

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