It’s Freaky Friday the 13th!

Not that I’m superstitious or anything, but I always think it is cool when it is Friday the 13th. Remember that movie Freaky Friday? Not the remake from a few years ago, but the original, old 70′s one that they used to show during the Friday assemblies at school.

I always thought while watching the movie – “how cool would it be to switch places with a grown-up, right now!”

Oh, what a poor little naive kid I was! Although sitting here now, and trying to come up with someone I would like to switch places with, I am coming up empty.

I am not sure there is anyone I would like to trade places with. Nobody seems like they have a better deal going on than I do. I’m really quite content being “grown-up” Carrie, wife to J., Mommy to Em and Ad, sister and daughter.

That is good feeling, in a “freaky” kind-of way.

Do you have someone you’d like to trade places with for a day? Do tell!

0 thoughts on “It’s Freaky Friday the 13th!

  1. I want to trade places with Michelle, so I can spend the day with my friend, Carrie.

  2. Just as you, I’m quite content right where I’m at. I couldn’t imagine being anyone other than ME. Even when I am ready to pull every last hair out of my head.

    Hope you had a great Friday the 13th.

  3. Maybe somebody completly famous and rich for a few hours? Really get to see how the other half lives, but im with you guys . I have my own perfect little life here and could’t want for more.

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