First Day of School…

Well, she did it. The earth did not open up and swallow any of us today. We all lived to tell about it – me included. My big girl made it through her first day of school.


J. had some dental appointment stuff, so he was actually home and took her to school with us, which was great. (Look how “big” she looks!)


I got a little choked up when I saw her name on the list telling her which room was hers. But I managed to keep it together. Again, so happy J. was there, I think I would have been a much bigger, weepy mess if he wasn’t cracking jokes and making me smile.


We found her classroom. Her teacher is an older, sweet and very gentle lady who I really like a lot. Em made a beeline for the books as soon as we got her checked in, and barely even noticed when we left.


(SO excited!) I got a little (ok, a lot) teary as we walked out. But I was ok, I knew that she was in the right place.

Addie, on the other hand, was just trying to figure it all out. Everytime we got in the car she would ask, “Emma? Mama! Emma?” And they had quite the lovefest this afternoon, so happy to be reunited. I think A. really missed her big sister.

A. and I snuck back a little early so we could peek in the windows. E. was laughing and having a great time. She looked like she was an old pro and had been doing the “school thing” for years. And of course she did not stop talking the minute we got back into the car.

“Mom! Didyouknowwedidcraftshadsnackswentoutforrecessandthenthebellrangandthen
wehadtolineupandwereadstoriesandhad SO. MUCH. FUN!”

Yeah, I think it was a success.

0 thoughts on “First Day of School…

  1. So happy to hear of the school day success! Hopefully it will continue to be so easy for Emma… and it will get easier and easier for you to drop her off!

  2. Remember how our moms stood in your yard and cried when we left for CMU? Now you understand why.

    She does look so big (I hate to tell you that) but you know she had a blast. Remind her of that when she’s 15 and says “I hate school” show her these pictures.

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