Thankfuls Week 3 & Half of Week 4.

Okay, so when last we left, I was flying off to Marquette to be with my mom and our extended family to celebrate the life of my aunt, my mom’s sister, Chris. (Aunt Chris is here on the far left – my mom is kissing her. :( She lost her fight with ALS last Friday morning.) It was very hard on the sisters and I was happy to be able to go and spend some time with them.

Of course that meant I did not update the ‘ol blog on Sunday – so we have a week and a half of Thankfuls to run through today! So, here we go…

Day 12: I’m thankful, so SO thankful that we have the means for me to be able to stay at home with my two monkeys. Even on days when they are driving me to the brink of insanity, I know this time with them is fleeting. And I’m so blessed to be a part of their every day life. (Believe it or not cleaning out the drawers and closets today was NOT punishment! They wanted to do it. Seriously!) I could also be thankful for cheap labor I guess, but that is another day.

Day 13: Today I’m thankful for my 25 amazing Girl Scouts and that I get to be a part of their lives. They are all caring, sweet, and generous girls who love to offer their help and spread their joy. It is really special to be able to witness them growing up into such lovely young ladies.

Day 14: I’m thankful for sisters. Today I’m especially thinking of my mom and her sister, so thankful for my own sister and the richness she adds to my life, and thankful my girls have a sister – a built in best friend to always lean on.

Day 15: I’m thankful we live near the ocean. There is something very restorative about being near the water, even if it is with 66 4th graders!

Day 16: I’m thankful for Almond Tea Cakes. A mom at school makes the most delicious ones for our coffee sales and just delivered some for me. On a rainy, chilly day with a cup of tea…perfection! What am I saying they are good on any kind of day! Thank you Grace. (Now can I please have the recipe?)

Day 17: I’m thankful again for my amazing husband. I know I already “used” him, but I could do 30 days of Thankfuls for him and not run out of reasons. This morning he spent hours trying to get me on another flight that would just get me to my mom! I’m at Santa Ana airport on a different airline flying into a different city, but I’ll get there at some point tomorrow. Thank you my sweet J. You were by far the greater half of our team this morning.

Day 18: Today I’m thankful for being in Marquette with my mom and dad. They may only have one flight a day, 20,000 deer to avoid, and freezing weather – but they have a Starbucks. After the travel day I had and getting in at 1 am this morning, I was so thankful to see this!

Day 19: thankful for a workout along Lake Superior this morning.

Day 20: Today I’m thankful for my mom and dad. I’m thankful for every minute I get to spend with them, I’m eternally thankful to them for giving me my brother and sister and for helping me be who I am today. Love you both.

Day 21: Very thankful to be going home. As good as it was to see my family, I cannot wait to get hugs and kisses from my three loves. And to sleep in my own bed. There is no place like home.

3 thoughts on “Thankfuls Week 3 & Half of Week 4.

  1. And after all your thank yous — we must tell you how thankful we were to see you and at least be able to talk to you for a few minutes! Hope your Thanksgiving week-end will be awesome! Much love to all of you.

  2. Oh Carrie – so sorry to hear about your aunt! So great that you were able to get to your family and be with them!! I’m sure they appreciated your presence and support very much! Hugs!

  3. Very belated Carrie but also sorry to hear about your aunt, especially at this time of year when families should all be together celebrating. Love seeing these pics of you with your family.

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