Crafty Tuesday

Thwarted again! This week I missed out on the fabric run in downtown LA’s fabric district because I was sick! I had my list of fabric I need – no, really! I do need some fabric, although after cleaning out the stacks of fabric and moving it up to the sewing room, I’m pretty sure I’ll have a hard time convincing anyone that I need anything. But, I do need some fabric for the roman shades I’m dreaming up for the bathrooms and kitchen. I have all the supplies – and hopefully I can find what I need this week.

Meanwhile, I’ve been pinning stuff on Pinterest like crazy, but haven’t actually done any of it. I have so many ideas for Valentine’s day…I gotta get started. And my house project to-do list just continues to grow. I think it is so large right now that I’m thoroughly overwhelmed. Every room needs paint, some sort of furniture, new flooring or rugs, LIGHTING…it is just too much. So I’m trying to tackle the “little things” – things that not many people would even notice, but I do and it makes me feel like I’m making some sort of progress. Things like – cleaned out linen closets, re-populating photo frames with new pics, culling our book collections and spreading the stacks out throughout the house. All things that seem to take a few hours…but I notice it when I walk in the room.

Oh…I do have one thing to share – a most excellent recipe! After many, many years I finally realized that J. would really much rather have cheesecake than real cake for his birthday. (I think I just couldn’t believe that there are people who wouldn’t like a big piece of chocolate cake on their birthday!) So, I have on occasion made the quick, no-bake cheesecakes for him – or grabbed one from the Cheesecake Factory. See, I am not a fan of cheesecakes – eh. I can take it or leave it and would usually just leave it. But then I found this recipe for Company Cheesecake.


Oh my.  You guys…I might have to make it for my birthday now. It.Is.AMAZING.  We had chocolate, berries and homemade whipped cream to douse it with…but it doesn’t need a thing. It is delicious. It has pecan crust – instead of graham crackers. Mmmm…it is so good. It is a little time-consuming and I’ve found a bunch of ways to try to not get any “cracks” in the top that I’ll file away for next time.

Oh, there most certainly will be a next time!


4 thoughts on “Crafty Tuesday

  1. Well, I had a sewing fail this week. So it looks like I will be revisiting it for next week. Sigh. I guess you can’t win them all. I am not a huge fan of cheesecake either, but that does look good.

  2. My dad is the all time baked cheesecake king. He discovered the recipe a few years back and like everything he does…did it to death!! Mind you, it is so much more impressive than the gelatin variety (although my family loved the white chocolate berry one of those I did at Christmas). But back to the baked cheesecake: what are your surface crack tips? Mine always crack! And happy birthday to J too!!!

  3. I agree with you about pinning like crazy. And about getting totally overwhelmed when I think about all the things that I want to do around the house. So then I have a terrible time getting started. At this point, my house is a disaster and it would do well with just a good cleaning!

    The cheesecake looks delicious…I might be brave enough to try and make one myself one day!

  4. That looks yummy! I have my own tried and true recipe, too. I bake it at a lower temperature and usually don’t get cracks in it. My hubby LOVES when I make it with a chocolate crust and put peanut butter in it. :)

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