
It is that time again…to look back at the last year while we make plans for a promising new one.

2011 was a pretty great year around the Voris household. We officially have a “household” of our own since we got to buy our house;  J. continued to enjoy working for Uncle Walt, we continued to enjoy the perks of him working there including a fun trip to Orlando; the girls continued to thrive turning 8 and 6 and blossoming into social little butterflies, and we have all had a very healthy and happy year. I’m not quite sure how we can top that, but we are certainly going to try.

As far as resolutions go…bah. Do I ever really follow through on them? I always have good intentions, but usually fall short. Then yesterday I was listening to NPR and they had, what I thought was a brilliant idea – have someone else make your resolutions for you! I tried to get J. to make some for me since he knows me best, but his response was – “so this is what we are doing this year? Fighting?” And then he continued on with some sort of “you don’t need to resolve to do anything better…” blah, blah, blah. He is such a kiss-butt!

So, since J. doesn’t want to make any resolutions for me, anyone else want to give it a shot? You guys know me pretty well, what do you think I should work on this year? Remember just because you resolve something for me doesn’t mean that I’m going to actually follow through on it, but I might. Especially if you are watching…

Have a safe and happy New Year! We’ll see you in 2012!!

4 thoughts on “Resolutions.

  1. That is a pretty scary idea — have someone else make your resolutions for you! So I am not signing on for the job of making yours. From where I am, you do so much and do it so well, why would you need to change anything?! And I don’t think J is being a “kiss-butt” — I think he knows what he is doing and saying! What husband (in his right mind) would take on that challenge?! So I guess that leaves you where you started, dear Carrie — making your own — or not making any at all and avoiding the disappointment that the rest of us will have when we fail to keep them anyway!
    Love and Happy New Yar to the 4 of you!

  2. You are doing fine just the way you are. Why change? Maybe relax a little more and take time to “smell the roses” more. Happy New Year and lots and lots of special love to all of you.

  3. I do like the idea of someone else setting resolutions for you, but it is such a personal thing. I just don’t know if it would work. I know what resolutions my husband would make for me. I am afraid he wouldn’t have been a kiss-butt.

  4. Here’s my resolution for you. You will buy the cakes and the invitations for both of your girls birthday parties this year so you can sit back a relax a bit.

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