Crafty Tuesday

I just took a break from sewing the buttons on my little gift card purses so I could pop in here for a bit of Crafty Tuesday. I have some last little bits to finish on the purses (they really are coming…this week, Aunt Laura!) and I snapped some photos as I was putting a few together so I can throw a little tutorial up for anyone who might need to put a few of these together for Christmas cards. I’ll shoot for getting that up for CT next week, so stay tuned.

We do have some other gifts today. My friend and I wanted to give all of our fantastic scone bakers and coffee sellers (from our First Friday Coffee fundraiser at school) a little something and we decided to treat them to a cup of coffee. So I rustled up some coffee cozys and we are going to put a Sbux gift card in each of them.


I used up a bunch of sweater scraps that I had from gifts last year and of course brought back my very favorite chalkboard fabric! I didn’t really embellish them besides the chalkboard fabric and a few of the pieces were just a little bit short so I ended up making a wrap with a button to keep it fastened around the cup. It works just fine and also used up some of my hair elastics that break whenever I try to put too much hair into them.


And for some sweet tasting gifts. Addie and I made these little mini pies in jars for Thanksgiving! We brought some over to our neighbors for dessert.


J. and I just put two in the oven the other night to warm the apple goodness all up and in five minutes, yum….our very own personal little pies.


I especially like that it is just enough pie to make you feel like you had something, but not too much…good portion control. Although in hindsight we should have spent more time looking for the shorter jars, ours were skinny and tall and kind of hard to get the crust down to the bottom. But I made little tags for the tops and tied a little twine around it and good to go as cute little gifts!


Filing that away as good little gifts to give…or keep.

I also need to find a way to file these little leaves away and keep them. We started a tradition this year by writing three things we are thankful for on these leaves we sort of freehand cut, about five minutes before dinner. Then the girls took turns reading them out loud (you can watch it here if you really want to see/hear them!). I am thinking I need to get a “Thankful” book, one that we can add to each year. For now the leaves are spread out on our dining room table, along with all the other projects we have brewing.


Do you all have some Thanksgiving goodies to share, or have you already left November in the dust and are on to Christmas, glorious Christmas crafts?!

3 thoughts on “Crafty Tuesday

  1. I had a couple of sewing flops this week so I don’t have anything crafty to share. I do have my gift guides up this week though. I love the chalkboard fabric on the coffee cozies. So cute!! Those pies look delicious. Mmmmm.

  2. I was too shy to share my dress disaster last week but OH I loved this post!!!! Watching those amazing girls reading out your ‘thankful leaves was too much….I got quite choked up! What little characters they are <3! On another note, I think I prefer the coffee cozies with the buttons and elastic. Props for solving the problem! And those pies are so cute!!! But it would mean a) I would have to collect jars and we have so much clutter already and b) I would have to cook :-D

  3. For your Thankful Book – get one of the larger sized scrapbooks…13 X 9 or something like that and you can put all the leaves in there from year to year. :) There are ones that are the old fashioned paper pages without protectors and all that if you just want a simple way to keep and record them.

    PS – I now work at Archivers!!!!!! How fun is that???

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