First Day.

We had what the girls like to call “opposite day” around here yesterday. I think that is the fun(!) of parenting, right? Just when you think you have it kinda figured out – along comes something and knocks you down a peg or two and you are just left standing thinking, “Huh? So that is what we are doing now? Well…ok then.”

Anyone who knows the girls at all (or has been hanging around here long enough) understands that as alike as Em and Ad might be on some things, they can be the complete opposites on others. Attitude toward school, has always been one of those things. Emma has always enjoyed and looked forward to school and Addie protests the very thought of it.  (Cue the dramatic music…)

And then, there was our first day yesterday.

Emma has a little bit of a summer cold and wasn’t feeling all that hot on Tuesday, so she slept most of the day away and didn’t want to eat anything, she kept telling me her tummy hurt. Well, her best friend is not in her class this year. It was a mere blip on the radar Monday when the girls looked over the class lists. We figured it would be epic meltdown, but they actually seemed okay with all of it. We commended them on not being disappointed and told them “it must be because you are THIRD graders now.” BUT when Emma got up yesterday morning she was not at all her usual enthusiastic self.

“My tummy hurts because I’m nervous.” - Yes, sometimes it is a little scary to do something we are not comfortable with, but I think you might just be excited, too.

“I’m nervous because I don’t know half of the class.” - But you do know all of the third graders and the other five girls are all in your Girl Scout troop! (She is in a 3/4 split class.)

“But I don’t know the teacher.” - But you didn’t know Mrs. P. last year either!

“But she is a FIFTH grade teacher!” - Almost all teachers have to be able to teach all different grades. She was a fifth grade teacher, but now she teaches third and fourth!


And so our first day photos…well, she looks very much like she was feeling…apprehensive at best.


And then we have Addison (thegirlwhodoesn’teverwanttogotoschool) Rose. At 6:45am yesterday I opened my eyes because I could feel her standing there staring at me and she was fully dressed complete with an attempted hair brushing and she whispers, “Morning’ Mama! It is the first day of school. I’m a FIRST GRADER! I’m ready to go see Mrs. K. I want to pick her some flowers. Did you know we get desks? DESKS?!”

Yes. Good morning. Ok, then.

And every single photo I have of her on her first day of school has THIS smile on it.


She was beyond excited. She ran to her classroom. She eagerly handed over her flowers and a hug to Mrs. K. and all was right with the world.


In the end it was a perfect day for everyone.


Emma likes her teacher but has told me at least 5 times that she is “very strict. Nice, but very strict.”  (Which is all fine and good with J. and I!)  This morning there were no second guessing going to school, she was ready and happy. And Addie’s enthusiasm hasn’t waned either, although she comes home from school EX-haaausted. Which is also fine and good.

I think they are in for a great year. But I still can’t believe they are third and first graders!


6 thoughts on “First Day.

  1. That role reversal had me giggling!! Just when you think you’ve got it figured out…..haha

    Good for them & a wonderful first day afterall!

    Hope the enthusiasm continues!

  2. So sweet! I can’t get over how grown up Addie looks in this picture…I blinked and now she’s a first grader! Wow!

  3. What great pics as usual my dear. Addie’s energy is bouncing of the screen, and these two 3rd graders, there for each other no matter what. It IS going to be a great year!

  4. Wow..the girls look so adorable for their first day of school. I love their dresses. So glad that all went well.

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