And what is the rest of the family up to?

While J. is off doing important things you might be wondering what in the world the rest of us are doing. A friend commented that he had stopped and read the blog and liked “the calm it gave me to know we all deal with the same issues.”  All of which I found very funny since I haven’t posted a real post about any real issues in many (many, many) weeks. So what have we been up to?


Um…I don’t really exactly know. I mean how is it almost the end of January already? Last week I told J. that I felt like I needed a vacation and we hadn’t even been back to school for two full weeks. I think I’m just having a hard time navigating back into my groove.


So we did end up taking a mini-vacation over the weekend and went and spent the night at Disney. Again, I am very thankful that J. works for Disney, and that we live so close that we can make these relatively cheap, quick getaways. And I am also continually thankful that the girls love being together. My heart bursts every time Emma reaches out to hold Addie’s hand. It is one of my greatest wishes that they are always sweet, best friends.


The girls are all about swimming right now. Em tried out for the swim team and the coach told her she needs help on her breathing and some of her strokes so she suggested she join the dolphin lessons which run at the same time the team practices. And hopefully at the end of the month they will re-evaluate her and move her up to the team. It was actually perfect, I think. She is getting all kinds of practice and help and when I watch her swim laps in her swim cap, goggles and real suit, I get a little choked-up. She really looks so very old. But she loves it and likes watching the team practice too, so I hope the excitement continues.


Not to be outdone, Addie wanted to take swim too. Thankfully they have a pee wee class at the same time as Em’s so I enrolled Addie. Now, I don’t know if you recall the horrors we went through with little Miss Stubborn two summers ago when I decided she MUST learn how to swim, but I was skeptical about signing her up. But I did, and holy cow! The girl has turned into a fish. The first night her coach said, “we may have to move her up to the dolphins.” Something has clearly clicked in that girl with the swimming (and thankfully the reading, too!).


So these photos were actually taken on our very sunny weekend getaway. Their classes are 6-6:30 at night and I know you won’t believe it…but it is chilly at the outdoor pool they practice at. Like low 60s.

I know, I know! We won’t get much sympathy from you all in the east, but when there is steam coming off of the pool and I have a sweater and jacket on, it just seems a bit chilly to be swimming. But they love it, so I’m going with it.


So I guess that is where we have been? At the pool. And at school. And just trying to stay cool. (Sorry. Been helping Addie with that rhyming, reading thing again!)


8 thoughts on “And what is the rest of the family up to?

  1. I am SO JEALOUS at your ability to just take a quick trip to Disney. So awesome!

    What little swimmers you have! They are getting so big — able to swim on their own and be part of swim team and everything! And I don’t think you are a baby at all…60 degrees only feels warm after you’ve spent several months in the 20′s and 30′s…and for swimming that is still really cold! Brr!

  2. How is it that those girlies of yours get prettier with just about every picture?! You have to wonder if there is anything that the two of them won’t be interested in or want to try. How great that they are both adventuresome!
    So — how come you didn’t get to go to the White House? The president of China had some woman with him so I would think that at least J. could have taken his beloved wife!
    And Disney comes through again — even with a mimi-vacation! Can’t believe how well that job is working out for J. Good for you guys to have a quick get-away! I guess the days of the Super Bowl are behind you now so Disney is a good trade-off!

  3. I need to get Miller in swim lessons too. He is also strong willed so Addie’s success gives me hope!! I am glad you guys got a chance for a mini vacation. The photo of Em and Addie holding hands is beyond precious.

  4. Whoa, who is that blond beauty? Ad is looking so grown!
    I love it that the girls are such great buddies. And that they are such little fishes! Nadia is already counting the days until summer swim lessons start up and she can move up to the next level.
    Often times our weather is fairly comparable…but not now! It’s icy and nasty here today, and you’re swimming and out at Disney in tshirts and shorts. Wow.

  5. Mini-vacation at Disney. Swimming pools, blue water and warm sunshine. Umm, are you sure we’re living on the same planet? Wow. I want to be you for a week. :)

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