
-I’ve been a never-ending complaining sack of coughing lately.  Sorry ’bout that. But, I think we are all on the mend. The girls are back to eating normally, my headache/neckache is (finally!) gone as of yesterday, and now all that is left is the very annoying cough.


-We are anxiously (some of us more than others) awaiting the arrival of Wednesday = back to school. I waiver between joy – the prospect of maybe having a few moments to myself and a routine again, and complete sadness. My baby is going to school. I am now the mom of two school-aged girls, not two baby girls anymore. That reality is setting in finally, and I must admit I’m teary-eyed already. Wednesday is going to be a rough day, I think.


-Emma just curled up next to me on the sofa, kissed my cheek and said “I love you, Mom.” Then promptly returned to watching iCarly. Moments like that take my breath away. I’m so very lucky to have these two sweet babies. (I don’t care what I just said – they are always going to be babies to me.)

-Besides trying to get physically well, I’m also mentally trying to get ready for all of this. School, ballet, soccer, PTA, Brownies…it is all looming next week and I just don’t feel prepared or ready for any of it. I need a few more weeks, but of course even if I had a few more weeks I’d still be saying the same thing, “just not enough time, need to find a way to create more hours in the day.”


-I’m helping coach Em’s soccer team again this year. I’m excited by it now that I have sort of developed a love for the game and I think this is the year to really get her excited about soccer, too. We have one more shot. Although what she is really excited about is the idea of trying out for the swim team. I have instituted the one sport and one other activity per week rule (although with Girl Scouts she technically stretches that rule already) so I told her she needs to wait til soccer season is over until she can try out for swim. I think it may be a very busy year.

-I think I finally wore J. down (or the guys at work did) because he is running the Catalina Island triathlon with me. I love when he gets an idea in his head because he gets a little obsessed and goes all out. He is training very hard and I’m hoping he really gets the race fever. It is nice to have someone to train with. Although, I’m going to have to step up my game a bit or I won’t be able to keep up with him.

-Speaking of races, my sis completed her 3-day walk last weekend! Thanks to those of you who donated (she made her goal!) and for all of your good wishes. I think she could feel the good energy, she did awesome.

-Let’s see, I think we have covered the lately around here. Daddy took the next few days off so we can have one more rendezvous at Disney before summer ends and school starts. So we’ll see you in a few days.

**(Yes, these are all July photos I just found. I also uploaded a bunch to flickr – there are some fun ones with the cousins, too.)

4 thoughts on “Lately…

  1. Hi Bean, It sounds like you have your plate full for the the up coming year. Isn’t having kids fun. Cherish these days cuz it goes by fast. Glad you are finally feeling better. Honey in your coffee or tea, will help your cough. Love the pic of you and Em.
    Love Ya

  2. I am glad to hear everyone is on the mend. Yikes, two school aged girls?? I love that last photo of you and Em. So sweet.

  3. So glad you’re household is finally on the mend. (Enough for Disney!) I’ll be thinking of you come Wednesday. Hopefully it won’t be as tough as you imagine it will. (Oh, who am I kidding. It’s your BABY!) :) Love the photos, particularly the one featuring the elusive Carrie herself. ;)

  4. Firstly, sending a warm *hug* your way in preparation for the big moment tomorrow! :) and :( I’m glad you’re all better now and got to spend what I’m sure was a fabulous few days relaxing together!

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