Weekly Wrap-up (x2)

Helllooo there! You been wondering where the heck we have all been? Besides the occasional Crafty Tuesday or Dipy Thursday we’ve been a little absent, but definitely not idle. So what has been happening?

-We’ve been entertaining.
Nana and Papa stopped in for a little weekend visit. It was great to have them here and Papa had a whole new (upright) view of LA, since last time he was dreadfully ill the entire time. I think he may have seen an entire part of our house, that he had completely missed, too. Plus, we got to take Nana to the aquarium and Papa to the Jay Leno show, so it was a packed and fun weekend.


-I’ve been finding missing persons.
When your parents tell you “if we are not back from our walk in 30 minutes come looking for us,”  just hand them your phone with the GPS. Trust me.

About 45 minutes after Nana and Papa left, I got my shoes on. After about five minutes of driving the route they were supposed to be on, I get a phone call. “We are sitting on the curb…” about 12 blocks from where they were supposed to be. Now granted in giving them directions I may or may not have forgotten to mention the crazy street where the name changes. I only wish I had my real camera, I really don’t think the iPhone truly captured the moment.

-I’ve been celebrating.
Yeah, another one of those pesky birthdays popped up this week. I didn’t even need to “milk it” though. My sweet girls and Jam brought me Starbucks and breakfast and showered me with awesome gifts and love. Emma climbed in bed with me and said, “Happy Birthday, Mama. I’m so glad you had me.” Huh. Okay…

Anyhow, I got tons of good wishes, phone calls, a terrific lunch and I was even serenaded (complete with ice cream cake!) by Em’s entire first grade class. It was a very good birthday. Thank you all for thinking of me.


-I’ve been certified.
Or made certifiable, maybe? My friend Jamie and I took the C.E.R.T. (Community Emergency Response Team) training through our fire department. It was three nights last week and three nights this week. I may drive J. crazy with all of the stuff we need to do to make our house all emergency-proof, but at least I feel prepared in case some sort of emergency does happen.


-We’ve been appreciating.
This week we’ve been appreciating all of Em’s teachers and staff, and next week it is Addie’s school. So we’ve been making all kinds of signs, notes, picking flowers, baking goods, etc. I still maintain that teachers have one of the hardest jobs, ever. Makes my job look like a piece of cake most days. So thank you to teachers everywhere.

-We’ve been field-tripping.
Finally Addie got a field trip that Emma didn’t get to go on. And Mommy got to go with her. She is always asking “When are you going to come help in my class, Mama? When do I get to go to a field trip? When can you stay at school with me?” So we got to go see a Max & Ruby theater show this week with her class. She thought it was all very cool.


Is it any wonder that we have all been just falling into (or near) the bed each night?


This weekend, we have almost nothing on the docket and I have been promised two days of a bit of pampering. The weekend has never looked so good. Hope yours is terrific as well!

6 thoughts on “Weekly Wrap-up (x2)

  1. Now that was a catch-up blog if ever I read one! I am out of breath just reading it. So happy that you have had such fun times and that your birthday was great! Have a restful week-end — enjoy!

  2. Was that all from just one week? I think you may be the busiest momma I know. I am glad you had a great birthday!!

  3. Wow! What a busy week. Or, really, I should say busy 6 months because I just caught up on your posts from Halloween to now. I love the apron dresses and pillowcase dresses. Your Crafty Tuesdays are my favorite posts! And Em’s birthday party was amazing. The live ladybugs were such a great idea. I’m glad you had a nice birthday…and that you found your parents!

  4. They say it’s no rest of the wicked…and you certainly don’t get much rest. Does that mean you’re secretly wicked?? You sure do hide it well!

    Seriously tho, so much fun stuff. Cracking up here at Addie conked out halfway on the bed! That little Hello Kitty water cooler is cool, too.

  5. Ditto almost exactly what Christina said- Addie conked out before she made it all the way in and the water cooler! Too funny! Happy Birthday, certifiably you! All that activity just might send me to the loony bin. Rest. Please. For our sake.

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