Wrappin’ Up Our Week

Yeah, I’m late and behind this week, but we are still here, still kickin’. J. has been traveling this week so besides missing him, we decided to tackle a few projects that have been driving me a little crazy. I have that spring cleaning bug again and around here one thing leads to another.

I finished up Em’s room last week, finally hanging stuff on her wall, fitting her new desk in, painting a new desk chair and it looks so good in her room. And then I walked into Addie’s room and that bookshelf that I have hated since we moved in was calling me, taunting me. And we hadn’t painted that wall when we did the big repaint a month or so ago – I’m not sure why, but the people before had left the wall white, so we did too.

So I get the brilliant idea that the bookshelf needs to be painted white. But as soon as the bookshelf is white, the wall looks very dingy. So I get the doubly brilliant idea that I’m going to not only paint the wall, but I’ll paint each shelf a different color. But, as soon as the bookshelf and walls are painted, the doors look dirty and dingy. So, yep…they get some new paint, too.

And now, every other room I walk into, I see something that needs some attention. Please someone plan an intervention for me. Come pry the paintbrush from my cramped hand.

But for now, Addie’s room is satisfactory…


I didn’t take any before pics, but trust me…it looks WAY better. And Addie sat down on her bed when I was organizing all the stuff on the shelves and she just sighed and said, “Oh Mama, my room looks so pretty, doesn’t it? I love it!” That made the three days of sore painting arms totally worth it all.

And to add to my achievements for the week – I finally hung the photos that have been sitting in our dining room for two, three months, awhile now. I think I’ve been putting it off for so long because I didn’t want to commit, I wasn’t quite sure how to do the photos going up the stairway.

So I put paper up and mapped them out before I pounded a bunch of nails into the wall…


…and what do you know? It worked! I’m thrilled to have this project crossed off my list once and for all.


So, that has pretty much been our week around here, besides – you know – the normal dose of chaos.

On the docket for the weekend we have a trip to the beach bright and early tomorrow morning. Our Daisy troop is doing a beach clean-up. And on Sunday, our little Miss Addie is starring in a movie for an online project for Disney. Oh, you better believe there will be updates on both of those coming soon.

Hope your weekend is restful and fun!

12 thoughts on “Wrappin’ Up Our Week

  1. Bean, you are so creative…. The bookcase is beautiful. No wonder Addie loves her room. The pictures are perfect, cool layout.
    See you all next week.
    Love you all

  2. Everything looks so very pretty — and so creatively you!! Your projects make me tired just reading about them! But the results are so rewarding! Great job — and happy girls — everybody wins!

  3. Care,

    All I could think of when I was reading about you painting Addie’s room was, “If you give a Mouse a Cookie.” I love mint green and pink together……………it’s beautiful!

  4. Kimmer – OH..it totally is Mouse and Cookie! We are so into those books right now…that would have been a very great blog post, I wish I had though of it! :-)

  5. Everything looks so great!! I know what you mean about once you get started, it’s hard to stop….especially when the end result is so awesome!

    I am the last person to get to pry the paintbrush from your hands…I have about a million projects I am in the middle of myself — although none of mine are nearly as complete and awesome looking as yours!

  6. Hi Carrie,

    No, we didn’t paint the cabinets ourselves. We had painters do it, and it was a major job. The oak that the cabinets are made from has a very heavy grain. They had to sand and prime more than once. I didn’t envy them. It was worth paying someone else to do it, if you ask me.
    Good luck!


  7. You call that satisfactory? I say it look amazing. That’s a bedroom any little girl would be proud to call her own…and any mom would be proud to create! You are just non-stop on the go and so productive. The pics look great up, too…are those from the shoot w/ Rose?

  8. Addie’s bookshelf looks so cute. You have been one busy bee. I do the same thing when Mitch is away. Except I usually rearrange furniture. You are making me want to paint now though.

  9. Oh my gosh, both girls rooms are adorable and so relaxing! I love projects like that, and like you once I get started it’s hard to stop me!

  10. That bookcase looks beautiful! Great job! Once you get the bug to redo everything, it is hard to stop isn’t it?? LOL! I know how that goes, but the results are worth the cramped hands. :)

  11. Your gallery worked out beautifully. Good idea with the paper beforehand. And I love the simple, classic frames you chose.

    The bookshelf sounds like it was quite a chore, but what a payoff. It looks great!

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