Happy Friday!

It is still Friday, right?

Man, my SuperMom cape was ripped right off this week. Yesterday I found the worst case of the flu knocking on my door, and I just now (9:00 at night on Friday) feel even close to human again.

And what is the thing I hate even more than being sick? Feeling like I have lost control. I do not like having to call for backups, asking for help. I don’t like feeling like I have let people down, or slacked on my responsibilities. And for someone like me who has each day planned and packed full, it is very hard to have to make twenty phone calls canceling appointments and meetings, arranging for someone else to pick up and drop off my girls.

But, then again…Oh.My.Peas! This flu knocked me on my butt. Thankfully I had my little staff of cuties to take care of me.


When Em came home yesterday and found me barely moving on the sofa she brought me my tea and a washcloth for my head. And then she brought in the thermometer and took my temperature. I wanted to cry, it was such a sweet, motherly thing to do. And then she leaned over and said, “Mama? What about the bucket? Do you think you need me to bring it? Do you think you might get sick?”

Ah, that girl. And then Addie came home and rubbed my back like I do when I’m trying to get her back to sleep. Little pats of her hand and all the while asking, “Does that feel good, Mama? Like this?”


As good as it felt having my girls take care of me, my super husband picking up all the slack over the past two days was even better. From representing me and taking Em to get recognized at a Daisy thing last night to packing lunches this morning, it made all that “letting go” just a little bit easier knowing he was “on it.”

And the good news is, now that we got that out of the way, we can really enjoy the weekend! Hope yours is happy and healthy, too. We’ll see you on the other side.


5 thoughts on “Happy Friday!

  1. Well, that’s just rotten that you’ve been sick, really rotten…but so sweet too how your family rushed in to pamper you like you pamper them. Precious! I hope you really are over it now. Seems like everyone down here has been getting hit with it this past week.

    P.S. To steal a phrase from you – oh.my.peas, that picture of Em. Beautiful, mature, poised. How did that happen??

  2. I hope you are feeling better now. It is so hard to be immobilized like that. Thank goodness for those wonderful husbands, huh?

  3. I think all three of your sweet angels deserve a little something special. :) Talk about answering the call. Glad to hear you’re doing better.

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