Happy 18 months, Addikins!

Dear Jellybean -
You are 18 months old today. It amazes me how quickly you seem to be leaving your babyhood behind while plunging full force into toddlerhood, and I do mean *plunging*. You are insanely active and utterly fearless. You take my “no’s” as mere guidelines in everything from jumping on (and off) the couch to climbing the highest slide at the park.

Your favorite things to do this month include wearing anybody’s shoes. If someone leaves a shoe out..chances are you’ll find it and put it on. You are especially fond of your rainboots, or Emma’s boots. And most of the time you are running around with just a diaper or a t-shirt on. With the rainboots. It is just too much cuteness.


You have also become an incredible “helper” to Mama. You love to use the broom, and “meme up” (clean up) your toys, and you are very fond of throwing things away. Everything. Daddy and I have to go through the trash periodically just to make sure you haven’t declared something garbage that really isn’t. Things I have found in the trash include: your baby, the remote, the dustpan (you were probably throwing the dirt in the dustpan away – so this is actually understandable!), Emma’s headband, Mommy’s cellphone – just to name a few.

You have also been very interested in the potty, so we are working on it. You are back to sleeping 12+ hours at night (Thank God for huge favors), and now that you are able to vocalize your wishes, there has been a little less screaming and a little more peace around the house, as well.

The talking is probably the biggest change, from even one month ago. I cannot even remember all of the words you know. It is definitely well, well over a hundred. You will repeat anything anybody says to you, especially Emma. You can put little couple word sentences together. And, the craziest thing, is that you get concepts…like “heavy.” If you pick something up that is just a little too big for you to lift you say “oh…heaby!” Some of my very favorite words you say include: wub you (I love you), oh no!, bess you (bless you), elcome (you’re welcome), peas (please), mahwr? (more), tankle (twinkle) and of course, Mommy! It makes my heart soar when I come home or walk into the Kids Klub at the gym, and you come running full speed screaming “Mommy!” and then throw yourself into my arms and say “Ah Mommy” with a little sigh. All I can do is think, “yes, this is what being a Mom is all about.”


Oh, and your kisses! Daddy and I laugh so hard at your kissing technique. I may have to try to capture it on video because it is just so hard to describe. If I ask for a kiss, you stop what you are doing, become deadpan serious and just move your face straight towards my face. You don’t pucker up, but you just press your lips to mine and then you back straight away. It is almost like you are a robot! And so serious. It is just too funny.

There is just so many things you do right now that reminds me that this is absolutely my favorite age! Even with the “terrible-2″ temper tantrums looming, I just love the active, curious, excitable stage you are at  -  even though, most of the time, it goes against all of my clean, orderly sensibilities.

I think the major responsiblity of a parent is to steer their children down the right path. Helping them to “figure it out” for themselves, but always being close by to pick them up and kiss away their tears. In theory, this is a brilliant plan, but it is much harder to practice. I am trying to really stop and just let you go. Just be a kid, be messy, be curious, be active. Be…you.

But each little step you take away from me, also breaks my heart a little, too.


I am happy to follow behind you while I still can and help pick you up. Just please don’t run away too fast.
I love you,

0 thoughts on “Happy 18 months, Addikins!

  1. Where does time go, can’t believe you are 18 months already, Addie. You remind me so much of your Mom, she was always on the go, and from the pictures lately you are also. Hope you had a Happy 18 months day. Lots of Hugs and Kisses. Love you Lots Nana

  2. Care
    I LOVE the last picture, and teared up over your comments below it. The rest of the pics are precious too. Good Entry.


  3. Pingback: My Best Shot Monday « Barely Controlled Chaos

  4. I know I have about 8 1/2 years to think about this but you take the most amazing pictures so I plan on hiring you to take Brittany’s senior pictures so don ‘t make any plans the summer of 2015… You just capture the perfect shot everytime. I love the one of Addie walking away. Simply perfect.

  5. Crap – is it really only 8 1/2 years from now?? That is unreal! But count me in – I’d love to have a subject that actually WANTS to pose for me, instead of chasing after ornery subjects who are sick of the camera in their faces! I’ll practice up!!

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