Hi, my crafty folks. I’ve got a few goodies to share today. Would of had more, but I boxed up a little care package for my friend to send out and completely forgot to photograph the gown I made for her.
Bah. It is sitting right here. I could unwrap it. But it is all taped up. And I’m lazy. And how about you just imagine it instead?
You can see the fabric here. It is a little roomier, has better coverage, and is softer than the standard hospital gown. Has a special slit in the pocket for heart monitors and such. So, how about this? Vic, when you kick this cancer and are all better – I will make you something much prettier that you can wear outside of the hospital. And I’ll take lots of photos of it (and you in it!). Deal?
The next project I finished, I also forgot to photograph before we gave it away. Luckily we were invited to the birthday party and my friend Jamie deemed it worthy enough for the party. She had a pink and green garden/ladybug-themed party for Emma’s best friend Audrey. So our birthday banner fit perfectly, and I snapped some photos of it hanging in a tree in the park.
I really love how it turned out and I have plenty of fabric scraps leftover, so I’m going to make one for our house. It is handy that Jamie’s house and ours is filled with girls, so I got to use all the girl-y fabrics. I still think the birthday banner is the greatest idea.
And I also dove into THE book. I started doing as I had intended – one gift for me (the house), then tackling two gifts to giveaway.
So the apron…
I love the pocket and the little towel loop! Love the fabric, although again – taking it late Monday night in crummy light, doesn’t help the really cool colors. But I have already used it, and it will be in heavy rotation…I can assure you.
I almost cropped my pj bottoms out of the photo, but then I figured I would look very weird all leg-less. And also you need to see how the apron will usually look, over lounge pants and a t-shirt, since that is my typical wardrobe on any given day. And I didn’t want you to think I was getting all fancy on you over here…with my aprons and what-not!
I also finished some lounge pants for my niece’s birthday. But I’m appliquing a t-shirt to go with it, so I’ll save that to show for next week. Although I really – no REALLY love the lounge pants. But I have to make another gift before I can start a pair for myself. Plus I have fabric for two dresses for the girls that they keep bugging me about. So back to the sewing machine.
What crafty goodness do you have to share?
Well, you are sure making up for lost time with all this craftiness 🙂 That apron is soooo cool; I love the double wrap tie! And wow those banners turned out reeeally well didn’t they? Glad you kept some off cuts for yourself. That’s a project which will endure. If your girls turn out anything like we three were we were still begging for silly childish ‘traditions’ well into our teens. You know, like “Muuuuuum.Where is the birthday banner? we ALways have the birthday banner….”
I have nothing finished today but lots of promise.
I love the apron, it’s almost too pretty to use. I can’t wait to get my care package!
Next week is my last week of work and I’m hoping that in my “down time” I’ll be able to do some craftiness.
LOVE both.
We have a b-day in August, wonder if I could get in gear to do this….
Love that apron! I’m really not an apron girl…but that one I’d use – a LOT! Fun fabric and design. And the birthday banner turned out great too! Etsy, my friend!
Man, you have been one busy lady. You have been sewing up a storm. I love the apron and the banner is so cute. Can’t wait to see the lounge pants next week.
I have a little bit of something up.
What’s the towel loop for??
Isn’t that the purpose of wearing an apron, you know, wipe your hands, polish the toaster, dust off the coffee table when you see guests coming up the walk, wipe your kids nose, and wrap your arms in it when you are chatting over the back fence.
That’s how I remember Grandma Williams’ aprons being used. . . .Ok maybe not the noses.
But a towel Loop???
I love the banner, what a great idea to use scraps for. Was the apron an “easy” project? I love it but my sewing skill is “easy” stuff. I can make a mean flannel blanket (you know..two piece of flannel sewn together in a uneven square or rectangle).
I bought three of those party “buntings” for V’s party last month. Love the look of them. I love how you used the ribbons to connect them. Did you connect them first or just use the ribbons? Lovely fabric you chose. And cute apron. Those would be great as Christmas gifts. Man, you are a sewing fool lately! (As my sewing friend would say, “Sewers are not fools!”
Great stuff Bean…. I only wish I had a few minutes to get some mending done, and here you are cranking out finished projects. You look so cute in your apron.
Love You
I want a skirt in the apron fabric. It. Is. Adorable! Great work, Bean!! P.S. – 11 days – eek!
Wonderful job! That birthday banner is so cute! Looks like you figured out the heat and bond just fine. 🙂 Love the apron and that towel loop is a great idea. You will get lots of use out that pretty little thing. I love teh apron I made myself, too. 🙂
I did get some stuff made last week, but I’m still vacation lagged so I didn’t get a chance to get them up today. Next week I’ll have goodies galore to show!
Oh, the fabrics in that book make me hyperventilate in sheer joy at just LOOKING at them. I get envious! I must fan myself!
Love the birthday banner on display. I wish I’d thought of that before Bryce’s birthday. Maybe next year. 🙂 The apron fabric is delish. Excellent execution. Do you have a serger?